Video and Vision Processing Suite Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683329
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents
1. About the Video and Vision Processing Suite 2. Getting Started with the Video and Vision Processing IPs 3. Video and Vision Processing IPs Functional Description 4. Video and Vision Processing IP Interfaces 5. Video and Vision Processing IP Registers 6. Video and Vision Processing IPs Software Programming Model 7. Protocol Converter Intel® FPGA IP 8. 1D LUT Intel® FPGA IP 9. 3D LUT Intel® FPGA IP 10. Adaptive Noise Reduction Intel® FPGA IP 11. Advanced Test Pattern Generator Intel® FPGA IP 12. AXI-Stream Broadcaster Intel® FPGA IP 13. Bits per Color Sample Adapter Intel FPGA IP 14. Black Level Correction Intel® FPGA IP 15. Black Level Statistics Intel® FPGA IP 16. Chroma Key Intel® FPGA IP 17. Chroma Resampler Intel® FPGA IP 18. Clipper Intel® FPGA IP 19. Clocked Video Input Intel® FPGA IP 20. Clocked Video to Full-Raster Converter Intel® FPGA IP 21. Clocked Video Output Intel® FPGA IP 22. Color Plane Manager Intel® FPGA IP 23. Color Space Converter Intel® FPGA IP 24. Defective Pixel Correction Intel® FPGA IP 25. Deinterlacer Intel® FPGA IP 26. Demosaic Intel® FPGA IP 27. FIR Filter Intel® FPGA IP 28. Frame Cleaner Intel® FPGA IP 29. Full-Raster to Clocked Video Converter Intel® FPGA IP 30. Full-Raster to Streaming Converter Intel® FPGA IP 31. Genlock Controller Intel® FPGA IP 32. Generic Crosspoint Intel® FPGA IP 33. Genlock Signal Router Intel® FPGA IP 34. Guard Bands Intel® FPGA IP 35. Histogram Statistics Intel® FPGA IP 36. Interlacer Intel® FPGA IP 37. Mixer Intel® FPGA IP 38. Pixels in Parallel Converter Intel® FPGA IP 39. Scaler Intel® FPGA IP 40. Stream Cleaner Intel® FPGA IP 41. Switch Intel® FPGA IP 42. Tone Mapping Operator Intel® FPGA IP 43. Test Pattern Generator Intel® FPGA IP 44. Unsharp Mask Intel® FPGA IP 45. Video and Vision Monitor Intel FPGA IP 46. Video Frame Buffer Intel® FPGA IP 47. Video Frame Reader Intel FPGA IP 48. Video Frame Writer Intel FPGA IP 49. Video Streaming FIFO Intel® FPGA IP 50. Video Timing Generator Intel® FPGA IP 51. Vignette Correction Intel® FPGA IP 52. Warp Intel® FPGA IP 53. White Balance Correction Intel® FPGA IP 54. White Balance Statistics Intel® FPGA IP 55. Design Security 56. Document Revision History for Video and Vision Processing Suite User Guide

22.5. Color Plane Manager Software API

The IP includes software for run-time control. The IP does not fit any of the generic device models provided by the Nios II HAL and it exposes a set of dedicated accessors to the control and status registers. The IP driver structure inherits the base driver structure so all common methods defined in Video and Vision Processing IPs Software API are applicable.
Note: The software API is only available when you select rearrange for Color plane manager mode. When you select split or merge, the IP has no software API.

Register definition header file: intel_vvp_cpm_regs.h

Include file: intel_vvp_cpm.h

Table 377.  Color Plane Manager IP Software API
Name Description
intel_vvp_cpm_init Initialize the Color Plane Manager IP instance
intel_vvp_core_* Accessors defined in Video and Vision Processing IPs Software Programming Model . Writable when Lite is on. Readable when Lite is off and Debug features is on.
intel_vvp_cpm_get_lite_mode Returns if Lite mode is on
intel_vvp_cpm_get_debug_enabled Returns if Debug features is on
intel_vvp_cpm_get_bits_per_sample Returns the number of bits per color sample for the streaming interfaces
intel_vvp_cpm_get_pixels_in_parallel Returns the number of pixels per beat for the streaming interfaces
intel_vvp_cpm_get_num_planes_in Returns the number of color planes per pixel for the input streaming interfaces
intel_vvp_cpm_get_num_planes_out Returns the number of color planes per pixel for the output streaming interfaces
intel_vvp_cpm_is_running Returns if the IP is currently processing video data
intel_vvp_cpm_get_commit_status Returns if there are uncommitted writes
intel_vvp_cpm_get_status Reads the status register
intel_vvp_cpm_set_plane_padding Sets the padding value for a selected output color plane
intel_vvp_cpm_set_padding Sets the padding values for output color planes
intel_vvp_cpm_get_plane_padding Returns the padding value for a selected output color plane
intel_vvp_cpm_get_padding Returns the padding values for output color planes
intel_vvp_cpm_commit_writes Commit all outstanding writes


int intel_vvp_cpm_init(intel_vvp_cpm_instance *instance, intel_vvp_core_base base);

Initializes a Color Plane Manager IP instance. The initialization stops early if the vendor ID or product ID read at the base address are not a match or if the register map version is not supported. Otherwise, the function proceeds to read and store the IP compile-time parameterization. The instance is not fully initialized and the application should not use it further if returning a non-zero error code.


instance - pointer to the intel_vvp_cpm_instance software driver instance structure

base - base address of the register map


kIntelVvpCoreOk (0) in case of success, a negative error code in case of error

kIntelVvpCoreVidErr if the vendor id of the core is not the IntelFPGA vendor ID (0x6AF7).

kIntelVvpCorePidErr if the product_id does not match with the Color Plane Manager product ID

kIntelVvpCoreInstanceErr if the instance is a null pointer

kIntelVvpColorPlaneManagerRegMapVersionErr if the register map is not supported


bool intel_vvp_cpm_get_lite_mode(intel_vvp_cpm_instance *instance);

Returns the value of the LITE_MODE register. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_cpm_instance fully initialized


instance - pointer to the intel_vvp_cpm_instance software driver instance structure


true if the IP is parameterized in lite mode


 bool intel_vvp_cpm_get_debug_enabled(intel_vvp_cpm_instance *instance);

Returns the value of the DEBUG_ENABLED register. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_cpm_instance fully initialized.


instance - pointer to the intel_vvp_cpm_instance software driver instance structure


true if the IP is parameterized with debug features enabled


 uint8_t intel_vvp_cpm_get_bits_per_sample(intel_vvp_cpm_instance *instance);

Returns the value of the BPS register. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_cpm_instance fully initialized.


instance - pointer to the intel_vvp_cpm_instance software driver instance structure


Returns the value of the BPS parameter used to configure the IP. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_cpm_instance fully initialized


 uint8_t intel_vvp_cpm_get_pixels_in_parallel(intel_vvp_cpm_instance *instance);

Returns the value of the PIXELS_IN_PARALLEL parameter used to configure the IP. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_cpm_instance fully initialized.


instance - pointer to the intel_vvp_cpm_instance software driver instance structure


Returns the value of the PIXELS_IN_PARALLEL parameter used to configure the IP. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_cpm_instance fully initialized


 uint8_t intel_vvp_cpm_get_num_planes_in(intel_vvp_cpm_instance *instance);

Returns the value of the NUMBER_OF_COLOR_PLANES_IN0 parameter used to configure the IP. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_cpm_instance fully initialized.


instance - pointer to the intel_vvp_cpm_instance software driver instance structure


Returns the value of the NUMBER_OF_COLOR_PLANES_IN0 parameter used to configure the IP. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_cpm_instance fully initialized


 uint8_t intel_vvp_cpm_get_num_planes_out(intel_vvp_cpm_instance *instance);

Returns the value of the NUMBER_OF_COLOR_PLANES_OUT0 parameter used to configure the IP. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_cpm_instance fully initialized.


instance - pointer to the intel_vvp_cpm_instance software driver instance structure


Returns the value of the NUMBER_OF_COLOR_PLANES_OUT0 parameter used to configure the IP. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_cpm_instance fully initialized


 bool intel_vvp_cpm_is_running(intel_vvp_cpm_instance* instance);

Reads and returns the running bit of the STATUS register. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_cpm_instance fully initialized.


instance - pointer to the intel_vvp_cpm_instance software driver instance structure


True is the IP is currently receiving/storing an input field, false when between two input fields


 bool intel_vvp_cpm_get_commit_status(intel_vvp_clipper_instance* instance);

Reads and returns the commit pending bit of the STATUS register. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_cpm_instance fully initialized and configured in full mode.


instance - pointer to the intel_vvp_cpm_instance software driver instance structure


True is the IP is configured in full mode and if the agent interface contains uncommitted writes.


 uint32_t intel_vvp_cpm_get_status(intel_vvp_cpm_instance* instance);

Reads the STATUS register. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_cpm_instance fully initialized.


instance - pointer to the intel_vvp_cpm_instance software driver instance structure


The content of the STATUS register


 int intel_vvp_cpm_set_plane_padding(intel_vvp_cpm_instance *instance, uint8_t plane, uint16_t padding_value);

Sets the padding value used for the selected output color plane. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_cpm_instance fully initialized, the output plane selected must be valid.


instance - pointer to the intel_vvp_cpm_instance software driver instance structure

plane - output color plane

padding_value - padding value for the selected output color plane


kIntelVvpCoreOk for success, negative error code in case of failures

kIntelVvpCoreInstanceErr if the instance is invalid

kIntelVvpColorPlaneManagerParameterErr if the output color plane is invalid


 int intel_vvp_cpm_set_padding(intel_vvp_cpm_instance *instance, const intel_vvp_cpm_padding padding);

Sets the padding values used for output color planes. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_cpm_instance fully initialized.


instance - pointer to the intel_vvp_cpm_instance software driver instance structure

padding - an array of uint16_t values containing the new padding values


kIntelVvpCoreOk for success, negative error code in case of failures

kIntelVvpCoreInstanceErr if the instance is invalid

kIntelVvpCoreNullPtrErr if the padding is the null pointer


 uint16_t intel_vvp_cpm_get_plane_padding(intel_vvp_cpm_instance *instance, uint8_t plane);

Returns the padding value used for the selected output color plane. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_cpm_instance fully initialized and parameterized with debug capability enabled, the output plane selected must be valid.


instance - pointer to the intel_vvp_cpm_instance software driver instance structure

plane - selected output color plane


The requested padding value or 0 in case of failure.


 int intel_vvp_cpm_get_padding(intel_vvp_cpm_instance *instance, intel_vvp_cpm_padding padding);

Reads the padding values used for output color planes. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_cpm_instance fully initialized and parameterized with debug capability enabled.


instance - pointer to the intel_vvp_cpm_instance software driver instance structure

padding - a pre-allocated array of uint16_t values to store the padding values


kIntelVvpCoreOk for success, negative error code in case of failures

kIntelVvpCoreInstanceErr if the instance is invalid or if debug capability is disabled

kIntelVvpCoreNullPtrErr if padding is the null pointer


 int intel_vvp_cpm_commit_writes(intel_vvp_cpm_instance* instance)

Commits all pending writes before processing the next field. The instance must be valid and parameterized in full mode.


instance - pointer to the intel_vvp_cpm_instance software driver instance structure


kIntelVvpCoreOk (0) for success, negative error code otherwise