Mailbox Client Intel® FPGA IPs User Guide

ID 683290
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents Error Codes

In case of success, the LibRSU HAL APIs return the value 0; otherwise, the LibRSU HAL APIs return the negative values shown below.

#define ELIB            1  /* Error Library */
#define ECFG            2  /* Error Configuration */
#define ESLOTNUM        3  /* Error Slot Number */
#define EFORMAT         4  /* Error Format */
#define EERASE          5  /* Error Erase */
#define EPROGRAM        6  /* Error Program */
#define ECMP            7  /* Error Compare */
#define ESIZE           8  /* Error Size */
#define ENAME           9  /* Error Name */
#define EFILEIO         10 /* Error File IO */
#define ECALLBACK       11 /* Error Callback */
#define ELOWLEVEL       12 /* Error Low Level */
#define EWRPROT         13 /* Error Write Protection */
#define EARGS           14 /* Error Argument */
#define ECORRUPTED_CPB  15 /* Error Corrupted CPB */
#define ECORRUPTED_SPT  16 /* Error Corrupted SPT */