Visible to Intel only — GUID: lxh1476310557496
1.1. Block-Based Design Terminology
1.2. Block-Based Design Overview
1.3. Design Methodologies Overview
1.4. Design Partitioning
1.5. Design Block Reuse Flows
1.6. Incremental Block-Based Compilation Flow
1.7. Setting-Up Team-Based Designs
1.8. Bottom-Up Design Considerations
1.9. Debugging Block-Based Designs with the Signal Tap Logic Analyzer
1.10. Block-Based Design Flows Revision History
1.11. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Block-Based Design Document Archive
Visible to Intel only — GUID: lxh1476310557496
Ixiasoft Step 3: Developer: Compile and Export the Root Partition
After compilation, the Developer exports the root partition at the synthesized or final stage. The Developer supplies any Synopsys* Design Constraints (.sdc) file for the partition. The Developer uses the .sdc files to drive placement and routing. The Consumer uses .sdc files for evaluation of partitions that reuse .qdb files, and to drive placement in the Fitter for non-reused or non-preserved partitions.
- To run all compilation stages through Fitter (Finalize), click Processing > Start > Start Fitter.
- To export the root partition to a .qdb file, click Project > Export Design Partition. Select the root_partition and the synthesized or final snapshot.
- To include any entity-bound .sdc files in the exported .qdb, turn on Include entity-bound SDC files for the selected partition. By default, all Intel® FPGA IP targeting Stratix® 10 devices use entity-bound .sdc files.
The following command corresponds to the root partition export in the GUI:
quartus_cdb <project name> -c <revision name> \ --export_partition "root_partition" --snapshot final \ --file root_partition.qdb --include_sdc_entity_in_partition
- The Developer provides the exported .qdb file and .sdc files for the reserved core to the Consumer.