Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Timing Analyzer

ID 683243
Date 11/26/2024
Document Table of Contents Targeting Constraints to Module Inputs and Outputs

SDC-on-RTL allows you to define constraints at module boundaries, even if some internal connections within the modules or IP remain partially unknown. It is best to apply SDC-on-RTL constraints at the module boundaries, specifically at the input and output boundaries of each module.

When targeting your timing constraints to the inputs and outputs of a module, you can target the following different element types, depending on your circumstances:

inst_port—these elements are retrieved in collections due to applying the get_pins filter. They target inputs and outputs of modules in a manner similar to addressing pins on registers and LUTs.
# inside 
get_pins {clk_in} clk_dic.rtlsdc
Note: Use get_pins for constraints that expect pins as targets.
Figure 61. Targeting the Instance Port