Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Timing Analyzer

ID 683243
Date 11/26/2024
Document Table of Contents

2.6.3. Collection Commands

The Timing Analyzer supports functions that return data sets similar to Tcl lists. These data structures, called collections, provide easy access to ports, pins, cells, or nodes from the timing netlist. You can use collection commands with any valid constraints or Tcl commands supported by the Timing Analyzer. Table 1 describes the collection commands that the Timing Analyzer supports. Figure 1 illustrates the elements retrieved by collection commands in a flat design.

Using collection commands instead of raw strings is advisable to ensure precise targeting and minimize ambiguity. Employing the correct collection commands helps ensure that constraints function as intended, and are compatible across different tools. For more information on collections that access the timing netlist, refer to the Using the Quartus Prime Timing Analyzer and the TCL Commands and Packages section in the Quartus Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Scripting.

Table 40.  Collection Commands
Command Collection Returned
all_clocks Returns a collection of all previously defined clocks in the design.
all_inputs Returns a collection of all input ports in the design.
all_outputs Returns a collection of all output ports in the design.
all_registers Returns a collection of all registers in the design.
get_cells Returns a collection of cells in the design. All cell names in the collection match the specified pattern. Use wildcards to select multiple cells at once.
get_clocks Returns a collection of clocks currently defined in the design. All clock names in the collection match the specified pattern. Use wildcards to select multiple clocks at once.
get_nets Returns a collection of nets in the design. All net names in the collection match the specified pattern. Use wildcards to select multiple nets at once.
get_pins Returns a collection of pins in the design. All pin names in the collection match the specified pattern. Use wildcards to select multiple pins at once.
get_ports Returns a collection of ports (design inputs and outputs) in the design. All ports in the collection match the specified pattern.
get_keepers Returns a collection of non-combinational or "keeper" nodes in the design. Keepers are I/O ports, registers, or clock targets. All keepers in the collection match the specified pattern.
get_nodes Returns a collection of nodes in the design. All nodes in the collection match the specified pattern.
get_registers Returns a collection of registers in the design. All registers in the collection match the specified pattern.
Figure 191. Elements Retrieved by Collection Commands in a Flat Design

The following example shows various uses of some Tcl commands with collection commands:

# Create a simple ten ns clock with a 60 % duty cycle targeting the clk port(device pin)
create_clock -period 10 -waveform {0 6} -name clk [get_ports clk]
# The following multicycle applies to all paths ending at registers clocked by clk
set_multicycle_path -to [get_clocks clk] 2
# Create a false path the between clk pin of rega register and the d pin of the regb register
set_false_path -from [get_pins rega|clk] -to [get_pins regb|d]