Visible to Intel only — GUID: mwh1410383655282
2.2.1. Timing Path and Clock Analysis
2.2.2. Clock Setup Analysis
2.2.3. Clock Hold Analysis
2.2.4. Recovery and Removal Analysis
2.2.5. Multicycle Path Analysis
2.2.6. Metastability Analysis
2.2.7. Timing Pessimism
2.2.8. Clock-As-Data Analysis
2.2.9. Multicorner Timing Analysis
2.2.10. Time Borrowing
3.1. Timing Analysis Flow
3.2. Step 1: Specify Timing Analyzer Settings
3.3. Step 2: Specify Timing Constraints
3.4. Step 3: Run the Timing Analyzer
3.5. Step 4: Analyze Timing Reports
3.6. Applying Timing Constraints
3.7. Timing Analyzer Tcl Commands
3.8. Timing Analysis of Imported Compilation Results
3.9. Using the Intel® Quartus® Prime Timing Analyzer Document Revision History
3.10. Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Timing Analyzer Archive Report Fmax Summary Report Timing Report Timing By Source Files Report Data Delay Report Net Delay Report Clocks and Clock Network Report Clock Transfers Report Metastability Report CDC Viewer Report Asynchronous CDC Report Logic Depth Report Neighbor Paths Report Register Spread Report Route Net of Interest Report Retiming Restrictions Report Register Statistics Report Pipelining Information Report Time Borrowing Data Report Exceptions and Exceptions Reachability Report Bottlenecks
3.6.1. Recommended Initial SDC Constraints
3.6.2. SDC File Precedence
3.6.3. Modifying Iterative Constraints
3.6.4. Using Entity-bound SDC Files
3.6.5. Creating Clocks and Clock Constraints
3.6.6. Creating I/O Constraints
3.6.7. Creating Delay and Skew Constraints
3.6.8. Creating Timing Exceptions
3.6.9. Using Fitter Overconstraints
3.6.10. Example Circuit and SDC File Default Multicycle Analysis End Multicycle Setup = 2 and End Multicycle Hold = 0 End Multicycle Setup = 2 and End Multicycle Hold = 1 Same Frequency Clocks with Destination Clock Offset Destination Clock Frequency is a Multiple of the Source Clock Frequency Destination Clock Frequency is a Multiple of the Source Clock Frequency with an Offset Source Clock Frequency is a Multiple of the Destination Clock Frequency Source Clock Frequency is a Multiple of the Destination Clock Frequency with an Offset
Visible to Intel only — GUID: mwh1410383655282
3.4. Step 3: Run the Timing Analyzer
You must run the Fitter to generate a timing netlist before running the Timing Analyzer. The Fitter attempts to place logic of your design to comply with the timing constraints that you specify. The Timing Analyzer then reports the margin (slack) by which your design meets or fails each constraint.
- To generate the timing netlist and run the Timing Analyzer:
- Click the Fitter's Plan, Place, Route, Retime, or Fitter (Finalize) stage from the Compilation Dashboard, and then click the stage's Timing Analyzer icon on the Compilation Dashboard. By default, the Timing Analyzer runs analysis on the latest available Fitter snapshot, and then opens the Setup Summary report automatically.
- Run a full compilation by clicking Compile Design on the Compilation Dashboard. By default, the Timing Analyzer runs analysis with the final timing netlist, and then opens the Setup Summary report automatically.
Figure 39. Fitter Plan Stage Timing Analyzer Icon
- Click the Fitter's Plan, Place, Route, Retime, or Fitter (Finalize) stage from the Compilation Dashboard, and then click the stage's Timing Analyzer icon on the Compilation Dashboard. By default, the Timing Analyzer runs analysis on the latest available Fitter snapshot, and then opens the Setup Summary report automatically.
- Review the timing reports. To generate additional timing reports for analysis, click the Reports menu, and then click a Slack, Datasheet, Diagnostic, Custom, or Design Metrics timing report, as Step 4: Analyze Timing Reports describes.
Figure 40. Setup Summary Report
- To run timing analysis under different operation conditions, click Set Operating Conditions on the Tasks pane and specify options, as Setting the Operating Conditions describes. By default, the Timing Analyzer generates reports for all supported operating conditions.
- If you specify any settings or constraints that impact timing analysis, click Update Timing Netlist on the Tasks pane to apply the new constraints to the timing netlist.
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