External Memory Interfaces Agilex™ 7 F-Series and I-Series FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683216
Date 9/19/2024
Document Table of Contents ctrl_amm for DDR4

Controller Avalon Memory-Mapped interface
Table 28.  Interface: ctrl_ammInterface type: Avalon Memory-Mapped Slave
Port Name Direction Description
amm_ready Output Wait-request is asserted when controller is busy
amm_read Input Read request signal
amm_write Input Write request signal
amm_address Input Address for the read/write request
amm_readdata Output Read data
amm_writedata Input Write data
amm_burstcount Input Number of transfers in each read/write burst
amm_byteenable Input Byte-enable for write data
amm_beginbursttransfer Input Indicates when a burst is starting
amm_readdatavalid Output Indicates whether read data is valid