Intel Accelerator Functional Unit Simulation Environment Quick Start User Guide

ID 683200
Date 3/06/2020

3. Setting Up the Environment

You must set up your simulation environment and install the OPAE software before running the ASE.
  1. Set the following environment variables for your simulation software:
    • For VCS:
      $ export VCS_HOME=<path to VCS installation directory>
      $ export PATH=$VCS_HOME/bin:$PATH

      The VCS installation directory structure is as follows:

      Make sure your system has a valid VCS license.

    • For Modelsim SE/QuestaSim:
      $ export MTI_HOME=<path to Modelsim installation directory>
      $ export PATH=$MTI_HOME/linux_x86_64/:$MTI_HOME/bin/:$PATH

      The Modelsim/Questa installation directory structure is as follows:

      Make sure your system has a valid Modelsim SE/QuestaSim license.

    • For Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition:
      $ export QUARTUS_HOME=<path to Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition installation directory>

      The Intel® Quartus® Prime installation directory structure is as follows:

      Add the environment variable to check the Modelsim license:
      $ export MGLS_LICENSE_FILE=<Modelsim License>
  2. Export:
    $ export LM_LICENSE_FILE=<Quartus Prime License>
  3. Extract the runtime archive file, and install OPAE libraries, binaries, include files, and ASE libraries as described in the section: Installing the OPAE Software Package in the appropriate Intel Acceleration Stack Quick Start User Guide for your Intel® FPGA PAC.

Your environment must be set up correctly to configure and build an AFU. In particular, you must install the OPAE Software Development Kit (SDK) properly. OPAE SDK scripts must be on PATH and include files and libraries that must be available to the C compiler. In addition, you must ensure that the OPAE_PLATFORM_ROOT environment variable is set. Refer to Installing the OPAE Software Package for more information.

To ensure that the OPAE SDK and ASE are properly installed, in a shell, confirm that your PATH includes afu_sim_setup. The afu_sim_setup should be in the /usr/bin directory or in <opae install path> if you built the OPAE from source files.