Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Power Analysis and Optimization

ID 683174
Date 10/02/2023

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2.3.3. Specifying the Default Toggle Rate

You can specify the Default toggle rates for unspecified signals in your design for power analysis. The Power Analyzer uses the default toggle rate when no other method specifies the signal activity data.

Figure 12. Specifying the Default Toggle Rate

You specify the toggle rate in absolute terms (transitions per second), or as a fraction of the clock rate in effect for each node. The toggle rate for a clock derives from the timing settings for the clock. For example, if the Power Analyzer specifies a clock with an fMAX constraint of 100 MHz and a default relative toggle rate of 20%, nodes in this clock domain transition in 20% of the clock periods, or 20 million transitions occur per second.

In some cases, the Power Analyzer cannot determine the clock domain for a node because the clock domain is ambiguous. For example, the Power Analyzer cannot determine a clock domain for a node unless you specify sufficient timing constraints for the clock domains. If the Power Analyzer cannot determine the clock domain for a node, the Power Analyzer substitutes and reports a toggle rate of zero.

Note: The transceiver I/O toggle rate is determined by the XCVR data rate value specified in your IP catalog settings. Do not include transceiver I/O toggle rate in the default toggle rates that you specify in the Power Analyzer.