SDI II Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683133
Date 12/09/2022

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Document Table of Contents Video Pattern Generator

The video pattern generator generates a colorbar or pathological pattern. The colorbar is preferable for image generation while the pathological pattern can stress the PLL and cable equalizer of the attached video equipment. You can configure the video pattern generator to generate various video formats.

Table 67.  Configuring the Video Pattern Generator to Generate Different Video FormatsTable below lists the examples of how to configure the video pattern generator signals to generate a video format that you desire.
Example Video Format Interface Signal
pattgen_tx_std pattgen_tx_format pattgen_dl_mapping
Example 1: Generate 1080i video format 1080i60 HD-SDI 3'b001 4'b0100 1'b0
1080i60×2 HD-SDI dual link 3'b001 4'b0100 1'b0
3Gb 3'b010 4'b0100 1'b0
Example 2: Generate 1080p video format 1080p30 HD-SDI 3'b001 4'b1100 1'b0
1080p30×2 HD-SDI dual link 3'b001 4'b1100 1'b0
1080p60 HD-SDI dual link 3'b001 4'b1100 1'b1
3Ga 3'b011 4'b1100 1'b0
3Gb 3'b010 4'b1100 1'b1