2022.10.21 |
22.3 |
19.3.0 |
- Removed RX Manual Adaptation Mode topic.
- Added RX FLUX Bypass Mode topic.
- Updated Dynamic Reconfiguration topic.
2022.06.28 |
22.2 |
19.3.0 |
- Added Active video data protocols details in Resource Utilization for Each Video Standard for Intel Agilex F-tile Devices table.
- Added Video Streaming in SDI II IP Core Parameters table.
- Added Intel FPGA Video Streaming Interface section.
- Added addtional details signals in Resets and Clock Signals table.
- Added note for Enable active video data protocols = AXIS-VVP Full in Transmitter Protocol Signals—Synchronous to tx_pclk table.
- Added addtional notes for signals in Receiver Protocol Signals—Synchronous to rx_clkout or xcvr_rxclk table.
- Added additional signal details in Transceiver Signals table.
- Added Transmitter Streaming Video and Control Signals and Receiver Streaming Video and Control Signals sections.
- Added SDI II IP Core Registers section.
2022.04.04 |
22.1 |
19.2.1 |
- Updated Intel® Agilex™ F-tile details for 12G-SDI, Triple Rate (up to 3G), Multi Rate (Up to 12G-SDI) TX and Multi Rate (Up to 12G-SDI) RX in SDI II Standard Support table.
- Updated details for ALMs Needed, Dedicated Logic Registers and Block Memory Bits in Resource Utilization for Each Video Standard for Intel Agilex F-tile Devices table.
- Updated SDI II IP Core Parameters table as below:
- Removed support for 12G-SDI single rate and added support for Multi rate (up to 12G).
- Updated note for Rx core clock to use the same clock as i_csr_clk port on F-tile Dynamic Reconfiguration Suite IP.
- Added note for the below signals in Receiver Protocol Signals—Synchronous to rx_coreclk table:
- Updated Summary for Minimum System PLL Output Frequency for Different SDI Modes table as below:
- Removed support for 12G-SDI single rate.
- Added support for Triple rate SDI and Multi rate SDI.
- Added note in System PLL Clocking Mode section.
- Updated the codeblock in RX Manual Adaptation Mode section.
- Added two new sections under the Handling Transceiver in Intel Agilex F-tile Devices section:
- Unused Transceiver Tiles
- Dynamic Reconfiguration
- SD-SDI Timing Jitter With External VCXO Which Receive FVH Sync Signals
2022.02.16 |
21.4 |
19.2.0 |
- Added the Intel® Agilex™ F-tile device's preliminary support level details in the Intel Device Family Support table.
- Added Intel® Agilex™ F-tile device details and a column for 12G-SDI under Single Rate mode in SDI II Standard Support table.
- Added Resource Utilization for Each Video Standard for Intel Agilex F-tile Devices table.
- Added Intel® Agilex™ F-tile device details in Recommended Speed Grades table.
- Renamed SDI II to SDI II Intel FPGA IP in Launching IP Catalog section.
- Updated the following in the Parameterizing the IP Core section:
- Added related information for SDI II Intel Agilex FPGA IP Design Example User Guide for more information on Agilex.
- Updated the Generating a Design Example and Simulation Testbench section with Intel® Agilex™ F-tile directory details.
- Updated the following in Compiling the SDI II IP Core Design section:
- Added the Intel® Agilex™ F-tile directory details.
- Added related information for SDI II Intel Agilex FPGA IP Design Example User Guide for more information on Agilex.
- Updated the following in the SDI II IP Core Parameters table:
- Added a note for the Intel® Agilex™ device that supports a 12G-SDI single rate as a preliminary feature for the Video Standard parameter under Configurations Options.
- Updated note that Intel® Agilex™ F-tile devices do not support the given parameter options.
- Added note for Intel® Agilex™ F-tile value details for Rx core clock (rx_coreclk) frequency parameter under Receiver Options.
- Added support for Intel® Agilex™ F-tile device in SDI II IP Core Functional Description section and Transceiversub-section.
- Renamed the below column headings in Oversampling Requirement table:
- Dual Rate to Dual-Rate
- Triple Rate to Triple-Rate
- Multi Rate to Multi-Rate
- Added a note for Intel® Agilex™ Device in Detect 1 and 1/1.001 Rates section.
- Updated the following in the Reset and Clock Signals table:
- Added Intel® Agilex™ F-tile device support for tx_rst signal.
- Updated a note on the Intel® Agilex™ F-tile device configuration status as applicable or not applicable for the following signals:
- pll_powerdown_in
- pll_powerdown_out
- trig_rst_ctrl
- xcvr_rxclk
- tx_coreclk
- tx_coreclk_hd
- rx_coreclk_hd
- rx_clkin
- rx_clkin_b
- xcvr_rxclk
- xcvr_refclk
- xcvr_refclk_alt
- tx_clkout
- rx_clkout
- Added a note for the Intel® Agilex™ device in the rx_coreclk signal to set the clock frequency range between 100 MHz and 156.25 MHz. Intel recommends sharing the same clock as the port from the F-tile dynamic reconfiguration suite IP i_csr_clk core.
- Updated the below figure captions:
- TX Clocking Diagram for Intel® Arria® 10, Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX, and Intel® Stratix® 10 to TX Clocking Diagram for Intel® Arria® 10, Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX, Intel® Stratix® 10, and Intel® Agilex™ F-tile Devices
- RX Clocking Diagram for Intel® Arria® 10, Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX, and Intel® Stratix® 10 to RX Clocking Diagram for Intel® Arria® 10, Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX, Intel® Stratix® 10, and Intel® Agilex™ F-tile Devices
- Updated the following in Transmitter Protocol Signals—Synchronous to tx_pclk table:
- Updated 12G to 12G-SDI for tx_ln_b signal.
- Added support for Intel® Agilex™ F-tile devices for tx_dataout signal.
- Update note as not applicable for Intel® Agilex™ F-tile devices for tx_std_out signal.
- Updated the following in the Receiver Protocol Signals—Synchronous to rx_coreclk table:
- Added note for rx_coreclk_is_ntsc_paln that the signal is not applicable for Agilex device family.
- Updated a note on the Intel® Agilex™ F-tile device configuration status as applicable or not applicable for the following signals:
- rx_std_in
- rx_std(for transceiver only configurations)
- Updated the following in the Receiver Protocol Signals—Synchronous to rx_clkout or xcvr_rxclk table:
- Added support for Intel® Agilex™ F-tile device for rx_datain signal.
- Updated the note on the Intel® Agilex™ F-tile device configuration status as not applicable for the following signals:
- rx_datain_b
- rx_datain_valid
- rx_datain_valid_b
- rx_trs_loose_lock_in
- rx_trs_loose_lock_in_b
- rx_trs_in
- rx_trs_loose_lock_out_b
- Updated the following in the Transceiver Signals table:
- Updated a note on the Intel® Agilex™ F-tile device support and configuration status as not applicable for the following signals:
- xcvr_refclk_sel
- tx_pll_locked
- tx_pll_locked_alt
- reconfig_to_xcvr
- reconfig_to_xcvr_b
- reconfig_from_xcvr
- reconfig_from_xcvr_b
- Added support for Agilex F-tile devices for rx_sdi_reconfig_done signal.
- Updated a note on the Intel® Agilex™ F-tile device support and configuration status as applicable for the following signals:
- Added Handling Transceiver in Intel® Agilex™ F-tile Devices section.
- Renamed Design Examples for Intel Arria 10, Intel Cyclone 10 GX, and Intel Stratix 10 section to Design Examples for Intel Arria 10, Intel Cyclone 10 GX, Intel Stratix 10, and Intel® Agilex™ F-tile Devices.
- Added related information for SDI II Intel Agilex FPGA IP Design Example User Guide for more information on Agilex in Design Examples for Intel Arria 10, Intel Cyclone 10 GX, and Intel Stratix 10 Devices section.
2021.10.08 |
21.3 |
19.1.1 |
- Edited the Brief Information About the SDI II Intel® FPGA IP Core table:
- Changed ModelSim* - Intel® FPGA Edition to Questa* Intel® FPGA Edition .
- Changed ModelSim* - Intel® FPGA Starter Edition to ModelSim SE* .
- Removed NCSim.
2021.08.27 |
20.2 |
19.1.1 |
- Removed Ncsim from Design Tools in Brief Information About the SDI II Intel FPGA IP Core table.
- Edited the Video Standard in EAV and SAV Sequences table. Changed the terminology for data interleaving from Streams Interleaved to Multiplex Type.
- Added the description in Detect Format section with information about how rx_format report the detected transport format.
- Edited the Description in Transmitter Protocol Signals—Synchronous to tx_pclk table and Receiver Protocol Signals—Synchronous to rx_clkout or xcvr_rxclk table for tx_std and rx_std signal.
- Changed the terminology for data interleaving from Streams Interleaved to Multiplex Type.
- Added figures for Single-link 6G-SDI 10-bit Multiplex and 6G-SDI 10-bit multiplex.
2020.10.01 |
20.2 |
19.1.1 |
- Added the Unused Transceiver Channels section that provides guideline to preserve unused transceiver channels.
- Updated the description for the rx_coreclk clock in the SDI II IP Core Resets and Clocks section and added the Routing Transceiver Reference Clock Pins to Core Logic in Intel® Stratix® 10 Devices section with information about the limitation on transceiver reference clock pin connection to the core logic in specific channels in a transceiver bank.
2019.08.08 |
19.1 |
19.1 |
Edited a bad character in the Merging Simplex Mode Transceiver in the Same Channel section. |
2019.04.01 |
19.1 |
19.1 |
- Added support for Intel® Stratix® 10 L-tile devices. Support for both Intel® Stratix® 10 L-tile and H-tile devices are final.
- Edited the description for the tx_trs signal in the Transmitter Protocol Signals section. Removed the line "For use in LN, CRC, or payload ID insertion". This signal is always required for all 6G-SDI and 12G-SDI designs.
- Edited the description for the tx_datain_valid and tx_datain_valid_b signals in the Transmitter Protocol Signals section. This signal can be driven by user logic or by the tx_dataout_valid_b signal.
- Edited the description for the rx_coreclk signal in the Core Resets and Clocks section. Added information that this clock source must be stable and there are no required relationships with any other clocks. The clock source can be asynchronous or synchronous to any transceiver's clock.
- Added steps for implementing TX PLL and reference clock switching in the Dynamic TX Clock Switching for Arria V, Cyclone V, and Stratix V Devices section.
2018.09.24 |
18.1 |
18.1 |
- Revised the resource utilization data information for version 18.1.
- Added guidelines about how to use duplex mode with the multi-rate and triple-rate presets for Intel® Arria® 10 devices in the Handling Transceiver in Intel® Arria® 10, Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX, and Intel® Stratix® 10 Devices section.
- Added the Unconstrained Clocks in SDI Multi-Rate RX Preset Using Intel® Arria® 10 and Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX Devices section under SDI II IP Core Design Considerations chapter.
- Renamed Potential Routability Problem During Fitter Stage in Intel® Arria® 10 and Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX Devices to Potential Routing Problem During Fitter Stage in Intel® Arria® 10 and Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX Devices.
2018.05.07 |
18.0 |
18.0 |
- Renamed Intel FPGA SDI II IP core to SDI II IP core as part of standardizing and rebranding exercise.
- Renamed hard transceiver to Native PHY IP for better clarity.
- Added support for Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX device.
- Added support for Xcelium* Parallel simulator.
- Revised the resource utilization data information for version 18.0.
- Added <variation name>.qsys and <variation name>.ip in the generated files list in the SDI II IP Core Component Files section.
- Added new parameter, Rx core clock (rx_coreclk) frequency. This parameter is available only when you select Multi rate (up to 12G) and Receiver or Bidirectional direction in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software.
- Updated the description for the rx_coreclk signal. You can select either 148.5/148.35 MHz or 297.0/296.70 MHz for Multi rate (up to 12G) mode using Intel® Arria® 10, Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX, and Intel® Stratix® 10 devices.
- Updated the description for the rx_coreclk_is_ntsc_paln signal to add 297.0 MHz and 296.70 MHz options.
- Updated the description for the tx_ln and tx_ln_b signals to include that for Payload ID insertion, these signals must be driven with valid values.
- Updated the description for the tx_line_f0 and tx_line_f1 signals to include that the line number must be valid and cannot be set to 0.
- Edited the Triple Rate Transmit Clocking Scheme timing diagram in the Clock Enable Generator section. The valid signal for the SD-SDI standard should deassert at the rising edge of the second clock cycle and not at the falling edge of the first clock cycle.
- Renamed Potential Routability Issue During Fitter Stage in Intel® Arria® 10 Devices topic to Potential Routability Problem During Fitter Stage in Intel® Arria® 10 and Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX Devices. Potential routability problem affects Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX devices too.