Visible to Intel only — GUID: syscon_commands
1.1.1. add_help
1.1.2. add_service
1.1.3. autosweep_add_input_parameter
1.1.4. autosweep_add_output_metric
1.1.5. autosweep_apply_bestcase
1.1.6. autosweep_apply_case
1.1.7. autosweep_create_instance
1.1.8. autosweep_destroy_instance
1.1.9. autosweep_get_best_case
1.1.10. autosweep_get_case_count
1.1.11. autosweep_get_case_description
1.1.12. autosweep_get_case_result
1.1.13. autosweep_get_data
1.1.14. autosweep_get_input_parameter_range
1.1.15. autosweep_get_input_parameters
1.1.16. autosweep_get_instances
1.1.17. autosweep_get_output_metrics
1.1.18. autosweep_get_progress
1.1.19. autosweep_remove_input_paramater
1.1.20. autosweep_remove_output_metric
1.1.21. autosweep_set_input_parameter_range
1.1.22. autosweep_start
1.1.23. autosweep_stop
1.1.24. bytestream_receive
1.1.25. bytestream_send
1.1.26. claim_service
1.1.27. close_service
1.1.28. debug_get_commands
1.1.29. debug_get_legacy_service_types
1.1.30. debug_print_filesystem
1.1.31. design_extract_debug_files
1.1.32. design_extract_dotty
1.1.33. design_get_warnings
1.1.34. design_instantiate
1.1.35. design_link
1.1.36. design_load
1.1.37. design_update_debug_files
1.1.38. device_download_sof
1.1.39. device_get_board
1.1.40. device_get_connections
1.1.41. device_get_design
1.1.42. etile_eye_background_scan_done
1.1.43. etile_eye_cancel_background_scan
1.1.44. etile_eye_get_attribute
1.1.45. etile_eye_get_data
1.1.46. etile_eye_scan_and_load
1.1.47. etile_eye_unload
1.1.48. etile_get_actions
1.1.49. etile_get_parameter
1.1.50. etile_get_parameters
1.1.51. etile_read_register
1.1.52. etile_run_action
1.1.53. etile_set_parameter
1.1.54. etile_write_register
1.1.55. executor_cancel
1.1.56. executor_clean_directory
1.1.57. executor_get_directory
1.1.58. executor_get_environment
1.1.59. executor_get_exit_value
1.1.60. executor_get_stderr
1.1.61. executor_get_stdout
1.1.62. executor_is_cancelled
1.1.63. executor_is_done
1.1.64. executor_run
1.1.65. executor_set_environment
1.1.66. executor_unset_environment
1.1.67. executor_wait_for
1.1.68. eye_create_instance
1.1.69. eye_destroy_instance
1.1.70. eye_get_channel
1.1.71. eye_get_data
1.1.72. eye_get_instances
1.1.73. eye_get_progress
1.1.74. eye_get_toolkit_instance
1.1.75. eye_start
1.1.76. eye_stop
1.1.77. get_claimed_services
1.1.78. get_service_paths
1.1.79. get_service_types
1.1.80. get_services_to_add
1.1.81. get_version
1.1.82. help
1.1.83. io_bus_access
1.1.84. io_bus_get_protocol
1.1.85. is_plugin_enabled
1.1.86. is_service_open
1.1.87. is_service_path
1.1.88. issp_get_instance_info
1.1.89. issp_read_probe_data
1.1.90. issp_read_source_data
1.1.91. issp_write_source_data
1.1.92. jtag_debug_loop
1.1.93. jtag_debug_reset_system
1.1.94. jtag_debug_sample_clock
1.1.95. jtag_debug_sample_reset
1.1.96. jtag_debug_sense_clock
1.1.97. log_command_start
1.1.98. log_command_stop
1.1.99. loopback_get
1.1.100. loopback_set
1.1.101. loopback_start
1.1.102. loopback_stop
1.1.103. marker_get_assignments
1.1.104. marker_get_info
1.1.105. marker_get_type
1.1.106. marker_get_types
1.1.107. marker_node_info
1.1.108. master_get_register_names
1.1.109. master_get_slaves
1.1.110. master_get_timeout
1.1.111. master_read_16
1.1.112. master_read_32
1.1.113. master_read_8
1.1.114. master_read_memory
1.1.115. master_read_to_file
1.1.116. master_set_timeout
1.1.117. master_write_16
1.1.118. master_write_32
1.1.119. master_write_8
1.1.120. master_write_from_file
1.1.121. master_write_memory
1.1.122. module_get_children
1.1.123. module_get_keys
1.1.124. module_get_parent
1.1.125. module_get_values
1.1.126. monitor_add_range
1.1.127. monitor_get_all_read_intervals
1.1.128. monitor_get_interval
1.1.129. monitor_get_missing_event_count
1.1.130. monitor_get_read_interval
1.1.131. monitor_read_all_data
1.1.132. monitor_read_data
1.1.133. monitor_set_callback
1.1.134. monitor_set_enabled
1.1.135. monitor_set_interval
1.1.136. open_service
1.1.137. packet_send_command
1.1.138. plugin_disable
1.1.139. plugin_enable
1.1.140. processor_clear_breakpoint
1.1.141. processor_download_elf
1.1.142. processor_gdbserver
1.1.143. processor_gdbserver_start
1.1.144. processor_gdbserver_stop
1.1.145. processor_get_register
1.1.146. processor_get_register_names
1.1.147. processor_in_debug_mode
1.1.148. processor_reset
1.1.149. processor_run
1.1.150. processor_semihosting_start
1.1.151. processor_semihosting_stop
1.1.152. processor_set_breakpoint
1.1.153. processor_set_register
1.1.154. processor_step
1.1.155. processor_stop
1.1.156. processor_stop_reason
1.1.157. processor_verify_elf
1.1.158. refresh_connections
1.1.159. remove_service
1.1.160. semiConsoleNew
1.1.161. semihosting_start
1.1.162. semihosting_stop
1.1.1632.1.20. send_message
1.1.164. sld_access_dr
1.1.165. sld_access_ir
1.1.166. sld_lock
1.1.167. sld_run_test_idle
1.1.168. sld_send_program
1.1.169. sld_test_logic_reset
1.1.170. sld_unlock
1.1.171. stp_run
1.1.172. system_get_keys
1.1.173. system_get_values
1.1.174. toolkit_get_toolkit_actions
1.1.175. toolkit_get_toolkit_autosweep_input_parameters
1.1.176. toolkit_get_toolkit_autosweep_output_metrics
1.1.177. toolkit_get_toolkit_channel_properties
1.1.178. toolkit_get_toolkit_channels
1.1.179. toolkit_get_toolkit_display_hint
1.1.180. toolkit_get_toolkit_display_id_to_name
1.1.181. toolkit_get_toolkit_display_item_property
1.1.182. toolkit_get_toolkit_eye_channels
1.1.183. toolkit_get_toolkit_eye_input_parameters
1.1.184. toolkit_get_toolkit_eye_output_metrics
1.1.185. toolkit_get_toolkit_matching_modules
1.1.186. toolkit_get_toolkit_matching_services
1.1.187. toolkit_get_toolkit_matching_systems
1.1.188. toolkit_get_toolkit_parameter_properties
1.1.189. toolkit_get_toolkit_parameter_property
1.1.190. toolkit_get_toolkit_parameter_value
1.1.191. toolkit_get_toolkit_parameters
1.1.192. toolkit_get_toolkit_properties
1.1.193. toolkit_get_toolkit_property
1.1.194. toolkit_get_toolkit_requirement_ids
1.1.195. toolkit_get_toolkit_requirement_properties
1.1.196. toolkit_get_toolkit_requirement_property
1.1.197. toolkit_load_toolkit_instance
1.1.198. toolkit_log_toolkit_command_start
1.1.199. toolkit_log_toolkit_command_stop
1.1.200. toolkit_run_toolkit_action
1.1.201. toolkit_set_toolkit_parameter_value
1.1.202. toolkit_unload_toolkit_instance
1.1.203. trace_db_delete_snapshot
1.1.204. trace_db_get_snapshot
1.1.205. trace_db_snapshot_get_event_data
1.1.206. trace_db_snapshot_get_event_fields
1.1.207. trace_db_snapshot_get_event_kind
1.1.208. trace_db_snapshot_get_event_timestamp
1.1.209. trace_db_snapshot_get_events
1.1.210. trace_decoder_add_key_result
1.1.211. trace_decoder_add_result
1.1.212. trace_decoder_define_key
1.1.213. trace_decoder_get_config
1.1.214. trace_decoder_get_data_16
1.1.215. trace_decoder_get_data_16be
1.1.216. trace_decoder_get_data_32
1.1.217. trace_decoder_get_data_32be
1.1.218. trace_decoder_get_data_64
1.1.219. trace_decoder_get_data_64be
1.1.220. trace_decoder_get_data_8
1.1.221. trace_decoder_get_length
1.1.222. trace_decoder_get_timestamp
1.1.223. trace_decoder_set_callback
1.1.224. trace_decoder_set_config_regs
1.1.225. trace_decoder_set_summary
1.1.226. trace_get_db_size
1.1.227. trace_get_max_db_size
1.1.228. trace_get_monitor_info
1.1.229. trace_get_monitors
1.1.230. trace_get_status
1.1.231. trace_load
1.1.232. trace_read_monitor
1.1.233. trace_save
1.1.234. trace_set_max_db_size
1.1.235. trace_set_trigger_mode
1.1.236. trace_start
1.1.237. trace_stop
1.1.238. trace_write_monitor
2.1.1. add_channel
2.1.2. add_display_item
2.1.3. add_parameter
2.1.4. add_requirement
2.1.5. add_timed_callback
2.1.6. get_accessible_module
2.1.7. get_accessible_modules
2.1.8. get_accessible_service
2.1.9. get_accessible_services
2.1.10. get_accessible_system
2.1.11. get_channel_display_group
2.1.12. get_channel_property
2.1.13. get_display_hint
2.1.14. get_display_item_property
2.1.15. get_eye_viewer_display_group
2.1.16. get_parameter_property
2.1.17. get_parameter_value
2.1.18. get_toolkit_property
2.1.19. remove_timed_callback
1.1.1632.1.20. send_message
2.1.21. set_channel_property
2.1.22. set_current_progress
2.1.23. set_display_hint
2.1.24. set_display_item_property
2.1.25. set_eye_data
2.1.26. set_eye_property
2.1.27. set_parameter_property
2.1.28. set_parameter_update_callback
2.1.29. set_parameter_value
2.1.30. set_requirement_property
2.1.31. set_toolkit_property
2.1.32. stop_requested
2.2.1. _hw.tcl Callbacks
2.2.2. _hw.tcl Channel Properties
2.2.3. _hw.tcl Channel Type
2.2.4. _hw.tcl Display Hint
2.2.5. _hw.tcl Display Item Properties
2.2.6. _hw.tcl Display Item Type
2.2.7. _hw.tcl Eye Properties
2.2.8. _hw.tcl Parameter Properties
2.2.9. _hw.tcl Parameter Type
2.2.10. _hw.tcl Requirement Properties
2.2.11. _hw.tcl Requirement Type
2.2.12. _hw.tcl Toolkit Properties
Visible to Intel only — GUID: syscon_commands
1.1. Command Summary
Returns | Command | Arguments |
no return value | add_help | <command> <help-text> |
various | add_service | <service-type> <node-name> |
no return value | autosweep_add_input_parameter | <autosweep-inst-id> <toolkit-inst-id> <param-name> <range> |
no return value | autosweep_add_output_metric | <autosweep-inst-id> <toolkit-inst-id> <param-name> |
no return value | autosweep_apply_bestcase | <autosweep-inst-id> |
no return value | autosweep_apply_case | <autosweep-inst-id> <case-number> |
String | autosweep_create_instance | [-id <autosweep-inst-id>] |
no return value | autosweep_destroy_instance | <autosweep-inst-id> |
int | autosweep_get_best_case | <autosweep-inst-id> |
int | autosweep_get_case_count | <autosweep-inst-id> |
String | autosweep_get_case_description | <autosweep-inst-id> <case-number> |
String | autosweep_get_case_result | <autosweep-inst-id> <toolkit-inst-id> <metric-name> <case-number> |
String | autosweep_get_data | [-outputfile <filename>] [-format <format>] <autosweep-inst-id> |
String[] | autosweep_get_input_parameter_range | <autosweep-inst-id> <toolkit-inst-id> <param-name> |
String[] | autosweep_get_input_parameters | <autosweep-inst-id> |
String[] | autosweep_get_instances | |
String[] | autosweep_get_output_metrics | <autosweep-inst-id> |
int | autosweep_get_progress | <autosweep-inst-id> |
no return value | autosweep_remove_input_paramater | <autosweep-inst-id> <toolkit-inst-id> <param-name> |
no return value | autosweep_remove_output_metric | <autosweep-inst-id> <toolkit-inst-id> <param-name> |
no return value | autosweep_set_input_parameter_range | <autosweep-inst-id> <toolkit-inst-id> <param-name> <range> |
no return value | autosweep_start | [-background <background>] <autosweep-inst-id> |
no return value | autosweep_stop | <autosweep-inst-id> |
String[] | bytestream_receive | <service-path> <length> |
no return value | bytestream_send | <service-path> <values> |
String | claim_service | <serviceType> <servicePath> <libraryName> [<claims>] |
no return value | close_service | <service-type> <service-path> |
String[] | debug_get_commands | <flags> |
String[] | debug_get_legacy_service_types | |
String | debug_print_filesystem | <service-path> |
no return value | design_extract_debug_files | <service-path> <String> |
no return value | design_extract_dotty | <service-path> <String> [<List>] |
String[] | design_get_warnings | <service-path> |
String | design_instantiate | <service-path> [<String>] |
no return value | design_link | <String> <String> |
various | design_load | [-legacy <Boolean>] <String> |
no return value | design_update_debug_files | <service-path> <List> |
no return value | device_download_sof | <service-path> <String> |
String | device_get_board | <service-path> |
String[] | device_get_connections | <service-path> |
String | device_get_design | <service-path> |
int | etile_eye_background_scan_done | <service-path> <channel> |
no return value | etile_eye_cancel_background_scan | <service-path> <channel> |
String | etile_eye_get_attribute | <service-path> <load_id> <attribute_name> |
String[][] | etile_eye_get_data | <service-path> <load_id> |
int | etile_eye_scan_and_load | [-timeout <channel>] <service-path> |
no return value | etile_eye_unload | <service-path> <load_id> |
String[] | etile_get_actions | <service-path> |
String | etile_get_parameter | [-timeout <channel>] <service-path> <parameter> |
String[] | etile_get_parameters | <service-path> |
String | etile_read_register | <service-path> <channel> <offset> |
various | etile_run_action | [-timeout <channel>] <service-path> <action> |
no return value | etile_set_parameter | [-timeout <channel>] <service-path> <parameter> <value> |
no return value | etile_write_register | <service-path> <channel> <offset> <value> |
boolean | executor_cancel | <service-path> <int> |
no return value | executor_clean_directory | [-delete <Boolean>] <service-path> |
String | executor_get_directory | <service-path> |
Map | executor_get_environment | [-inherited_only <Boolean>] <service-path> |
int | executor_get_exit_value | <service-path> <int> |
String | executor_get_stderr | <service-path> <int> |
String | executor_get_stdout | <service-path> <int> |
boolean | executor_is_cancelled | <service-path> <int> |
boolean | executor_is_done | <service-path> <int> |
int | executor_run | [-clean_directory_before <Boolean>] [-clean_directory_after <Boolean>] <service-path> <String> <List> |
no return value | executor_set_environment | <service-path> <String> <String> |
no return value | executor_unset_environment | <service-path> <String> |
boolean | executor_wait_for | <service-path> <int> <int> |
String | eye_create_instance | [-id <eye-inst-id>] <toolkit-inst-id> <channel-name> |
no return value | eye_destroy_instance | <eye-inst-id> |
String | eye_get_channel | <eye-inst-id> |
String | eye_get_data | [-outputfile <filename>] <eye-inst-id> |
String[] | eye_get_instances | |
int | eye_get_progress | <eye-inst-id> |
String | eye_get_toolkit_instance | <eye-inst-id> |
no return value | eye_start | [-background <background>] <eye-inst-id> |
no return value | eye_stop | <eye-inst-id> |
String[] | get_claimed_services | <claim-group> |
String[] | get_service_paths | [-device <device-path>] [-hpath <hpath-prefix>] [-type <component-type>] <service-type> |
Set | get_service_types | |
String[] | get_services_to_add | |
String[] | get_version | |
String | help | [<command>] |
String[] | io_bus_access | <service-path> <address> <write> <read_count> |
Protocol | io_bus_get_protocol | <service-path> |
boolean | is_plugin_enabled | <plugin-path> |
boolean | is_service_open | <service-type> <service-path> |
Boolean | is_service_path | <service-type> <service-path> |
String[] | issp_get_instance_info | <service-path> |
String | issp_read_probe_data | <service-path> |
String | issp_read_source_data | <service-path> |
no return value | issp_write_source_data | <service-path> <value> |
String[] | jtag_debug_loop | <service-path> <list-of-byte-values> |
no return value | jtag_debug_reset_system | <service-path> |
int | jtag_debug_sample_clock | <service-path> |
int | jtag_debug_sample_reset | <service-path> |
boolean | jtag_debug_sense_clock | <service-path> |
no return value | log_command_start | [-file <file>] [-append <append>] |
no return value | log_command_stop | |
String | loopback_get | <service-path> <key> |
no return value | loopback_set | <service-path> <key> <value> |
no return value | loopback_start | <service-path> |
no return value | loopback_stop | <service-path> |
Map | marker_get_assignments | <service-path> |
Map | marker_get_info | <service-path> |
String | marker_get_type | <service-path> |
String[] | marker_get_types | <service-path> |
Map | marker_node_info | <service-path> |
String[] | master_get_register_names | <service-path> |
String[] | master_get_slaves | <service-path> |
int | master_get_timeout | <service-path> |
String[] | master_read_16 | <service-path> <address> <size> |
String[] | master_read_32 | <service-path> <address> <size> |
ByteBuffer | master_read_8 | <service-path> <address> <size> |
various | master_read_memory | <service-path> <address> <size> |
no return value | master_read_to_file | <service-path> <filename> <address> <count> |
no return value | master_set_timeout | <service-path> <seconds> |
no return value | master_write_16 | <service-path> <address> <values> |
no return value | master_write_32 | <service-path> <address> <values> |
no return value | master_write_8 | <service-path> <address> <values> |
no return value | master_write_from_file | <service-path> <filename> <address> |
no return value | master_write_memory | <service-path> <address> <values> |
String[] | module_get_children | <service-path> |
String[] | module_get_keys | <service-path> [<key...>] |
String | module_get_parent | <service-path> |
String[] | module_get_values | <service-path> <key> [<key...>] |
no return value | monitor_add_range | <service-path> <target path> <address> <size> |
String[] | monitor_get_all_read_intervals | <service-path> <target path> <address> <size> |
long | monitor_get_interval | <service-path> |
int | monitor_get_missing_event_count | <service-path> |
long | monitor_get_read_interval | <service-path> <target path> <address> <size> |
String[] | monitor_read_all_data | <service-path> <target path> <address> <size> |
ByteBuffer | monitor_read_data | <service-path> <target path> <address> <size> |
no return value | monitor_set_callback | <service-path> <tcl command> |
no return value | monitor_set_enabled | <service-path> <activated> |
no return value | monitor_set_interval | <service-path> <interval> |
no return value | open_service | <service-type> <service-path> |
various | packet_send_command | [-format <format>] [-timeout <command>] <service-path> |
no return value | plugin_disable | <plugin-path> |
no return value | plugin_enable | <plugin_path> |
no return value | processor_clear_breakpoint | <service-path> <String> |
no return value | processor_download_elf | [-multiverify <multiverify>] [-noverify <noverify>] [-reset <reset>] <service-path> <elfPath> [<switches>] |
int | processor_gdbserver | [-timeout <int>] [-verbosity <int>] [-port <int>] [-semihosting <BOOLEAN_OPTIONAL>] <service-path> |
int | processor_gdbserver_start | [-timeout <int>] [-verbosity <int>] [-port <int>] [-semihosting <BOOLEAN_OPTIONAL>] <service-path> |
no return value | processor_gdbserver_stop | <service-path> |
String | processor_get_register | <service-path> <String> |
String[] | processor_get_register_names | <service-path> |
boolean | processor_in_debug_mode | <service-path> |
no return value | processor_reset | <service-path> |
no return value | processor_run | <service-path> |
String | processor_semihosting_start | [-file <String>] [-stdout <Boolean>] [-noconsole <Boolean>] [-messages <Boolean>] <service-path> |
no return value | processor_semihosting_stop | <service-path> |
no return value | processor_set_breakpoint | [-hardware <BOOLEAN_OPTIONAL>] <service-path> <String> |
no return value | processor_set_register | <service-path> <String> <int> |
no return value | processor_step | <service-path> |
no return value | processor_stop | <service-path> |
Map | processor_stop_reason | <service-path> |
no return value | processor_verify_elf | [-multiverify <Boolean>] [-nodata <BOOLEAN_OPTIONAL>] [-norodata <BOOLEAN_OPTIONAL>] [-norwdata <BOOLEAN_OPTIONAL>] [-notext <BOOLEAN_OPTIONAL>] [-noentry <BOOLEAN_OPTIONAL>] [-noexceptions <BOOLEAN_OPTIONAL>] [-reset <BOOLEAN_OPTIONAL>] <service-path> <String> |
no return value | refresh_connections | |
no return value | remove_service | <service-type> <service-path> |
no return value | semiConsoleNew | [-severAddress <String>] [-name <String>] <int> |
no return value | semihosting_start | [-severAddress <String>] [-name <String>] [-file <String>] [-stdout <Boolean>] [-noconsole <Boolean>] [-messages <Boolean>] <int> |
no return value | semihosting_stop | <int> |
no return value | send_message | <level> <message> |
String[] | sld_access_dr | [-write_only <BOOLEAN_OPTIONAL>] <service-path> <length> <delay> <values> |
String | sld_access_ir | [-ir <BOOLEAN_OPTIONAL>] [-length <length>] <service-path> <ir-value> <delay> |
int | sld_lock | <service-path> <timeout> |
no return value | sld_run_test_idle | <service-path> <clocks> |
no return value | sld_send_program | <service-path> <streamPath> |
no return value | sld_test_logic_reset | <service-path> |
int | sld_unlock | <service-path> |
no return value | stp_run | <service-path> <signal_set> <trigger> <data_log> <timeout> |
String[] | system_get_keys | <service-path> [<key...>] |
String[] | system_get_values | <service-path> <key> [<key...>] |
String[] | toolkit_get_toolkit_actions | <inst-id> [<channel>] |
String[] | toolkit_get_toolkit_autosweep_input_parameters | <inst-id> [<channel>] |
String[] | toolkit_get_toolkit_autosweep_output_metrics | <inst-id> [<channel>] |
String[] | toolkit_get_toolkit_channel_properties | |
String[] | toolkit_get_toolkit_channels | <inst-id> |
String | toolkit_get_toolkit_display_hint | <inst-id> <parameter-name> <display-hint> |
String[] | toolkit_get_toolkit_display_id_to_name | <inst-id> [<channel>] |
various | toolkit_get_toolkit_display_item_property | <inst-id> <display-item-id> <display-item-property> |
String[] | toolkit_get_toolkit_eye_channels | <inst-id> |
String[] | toolkit_get_toolkit_eye_input_parameters | <inst-id> [<channel>] |
String[] | toolkit_get_toolkit_eye_output_metrics | <inst-id> [<channel>] |
String[] | toolkit_get_toolkit_matching_modules | [-requirement <requirement-id>] [-recursive <BOOLEAN_OPTIONAL>] [-hpath <hpath>] [-module_name <module-name>] [-version <version>] <service-path> |
String[] | toolkit_get_toolkit_matching_services | [-requirement <requirement-id>] [-recursive <BOOLEAN_OPTIONAL>] [-hpath <hpath>] [-type <type>] [-agent_type_name <agent-type-name>] <service-path> |
String[] | toolkit_get_toolkit_matching_systems | [-requirement <requirement-id>] [-hpath <hpath>] [-design_id <design-id>] <service-path> |
String[] | toolkit_get_toolkit_parameter_properties | |
various | toolkit_get_toolkit_parameter_property | <inst-id> <parameter-name> <parameter-property> |
String | toolkit_get_toolkit_parameter_value | <inst-id> <parameter-name> |
String[] | toolkit_get_toolkit_parameters | <inst-id> [<channel>] |
String[] | toolkit_get_toolkit_properties | <service-path> |
String | toolkit_get_toolkit_property | <service-path> <property> |
String[] | toolkit_get_toolkit_requirement_ids | <service-path> |
String[] | toolkit_get_toolkit_requirement_properties | <service-path> <requirement-id> |
String[] | toolkit_get_toolkit_requirement_property | <service-path> <requirement-id> <property> |
String | toolkit_load_toolkit_instance | [-id <inst-id>] [-log <log-flag>] [-output-file-path <output-file-path>] <toolkit-name> <version> <requirements> |
no return value | toolkit_log_toolkit_command_start | <id> [<file> <append>] |
no return value | toolkit_log_toolkit_command_stop | <id> |
no return value | toolkit_run_toolkit_action | <inst-id> <display-item-id> |
no return value | toolkit_set_toolkit_parameter_value | <inst-id> |
no return value | toolkit_unload_toolkit_instance | <inst-id> |
no return value | trace_db_delete_snapshot | <service-path> <snapshot-id> |
int | trace_db_get_snapshot | [-start-time <start-time>] [-end-time <end-time>] [-monitor-ids <monitor-ids>] <service-path> |
String | trace_db_snapshot_get_event_data | <service-path> <snapshot-id> <event-id> <field> |
Set | trace_db_snapshot_get_event_fields | <service-path> <snapshot-id> <event-id> |
Kind | trace_db_snapshot_get_event_kind | <service-path> <snapshot-id> <event-id> |
long | trace_db_snapshot_get_event_timestamp | <service-path> <snapshot-id> <event-id> |
String[] | trace_db_snapshot_get_events | <service-path> <snapshot-id> |
String | trace_decoder_add_key_result | <field> <parent> <name> <value> |
String | trace_decoder_add_result | <parent> <name> <value> |
no return value | trace_decoder_define_key | <name> <display_name> |
int | trace_decoder_get_config | <regNum> |
int | trace_decoder_get_data_16 | <offset> |
int | trace_decoder_get_data_16be | <offset> |
int | trace_decoder_get_data_32 | <offset> |
int | trace_decoder_get_data_32be | <offset> |
BigInteger | trace_decoder_get_data_64 | <offset> |
BigInteger | trace_decoder_get_data_64be | <offset> |
int | trace_decoder_get_data_8 | <offset> |
int | trace_decoder_get_length | |
BigInteger | trace_decoder_get_timestamp | |
no return value | trace_decoder_set_callback | <callback> |
no return value | trace_decoder_set_config_regs | <regs> |
no return value | trace_decoder_set_summary | <value> |
long | trace_get_db_size | <service-path> |
long | trace_get_max_db_size | <service-path> |
Map | trace_get_monitor_info | <service-path> <String> |
String[] | trace_get_monitors | <service-path> |
Status | trace_get_status | <service-path> |
String | trace_load | <filename> |
String | trace_read_monitor | <service-path> <String> <int> |
no return value | trace_save | <service-path> <String> |
no return value | trace_set_max_db_size | <service-path> <long> |
no return value | trace_set_trigger_mode | <service-path> <TriggerMode> |
no return value | trace_start | <service-path> <CaptureMode> |
no return value | trace_stop | <service-path> |
no return value | trace_write_monitor | <service-path> <String> <int> <String> |
- add_help
- add_service
- autosweep_add_input_parameter
- autosweep_add_output_metric
- autosweep_apply_bestcase
- autosweep_apply_case
- autosweep_create_instance
- autosweep_destroy_instance
- autosweep_get_best_case
- autosweep_get_case_count
- autosweep_get_case_description
- autosweep_get_case_result
- autosweep_get_data
- autosweep_get_input_parameter_range
- autosweep_get_input_parameters
- autosweep_get_instances
- autosweep_get_output_metrics
- autosweep_get_progress
- autosweep_remove_input_paramater
- autosweep_remove_output_metric
- autosweep_set_input_parameter_range
- autosweep_start
- autosweep_stop
- bytestream_receive
- bytestream_send
- claim_service
- close_service
- debug_get_commands
- debug_get_legacy_service_types
- debug_print_filesystem
- design_extract_debug_files
- design_extract_dotty
- design_get_warnings
- design_instantiate
- design_link
- design_load
- design_update_debug_files
- device_download_sof
- device_get_board
- device_get_connections
- device_get_design
- etile_eye_background_scan_done
- etile_eye_cancel_background_scan
- etile_eye_get_attribute
- etile_eye_get_data
- etile_eye_scan_and_load
- etile_eye_unload
- etile_get_actions
- etile_get_parameter
- etile_get_parameters
- etile_read_register
- etile_run_action
- etile_set_parameter
- etile_write_register
- executor_cancel
- executor_clean_directory
- executor_get_directory
- executor_get_environment
- executor_get_exit_value
- executor_get_stderr
- executor_get_stdout
- executor_is_cancelled
- executor_is_done
- executor_run
- executor_set_environment
- executor_unset_environment
- executor_wait_for
- eye_create_instance
- eye_destroy_instance
- eye_get_channel
- eye_get_data
- eye_get_instances
- eye_get_progress
- eye_get_toolkit_instance
- eye_start
- eye_stop
- get_claimed_services
- get_service_paths
- get_service_types
- get_services_to_add
- get_version
- help
- io_bus_access
- io_bus_get_protocol
- is_plugin_enabled
- is_service_open
- is_service_path
- issp_get_instance_info
- issp_read_probe_data
- issp_read_source_data
- issp_write_source_data
- jtag_debug_loop
- jtag_debug_reset_system
- jtag_debug_sample_clock
- jtag_debug_sample_reset
- jtag_debug_sense_clock
- log_command_start
- log_command_stop
- loopback_get
- loopback_set
- loopback_start
- loopback_stop
- marker_get_assignments
- marker_get_info
- marker_get_type
- marker_get_types
- marker_node_info
- master_get_register_names
- master_get_slaves
- master_get_timeout
- master_read_16
- master_read_32
- master_read_8
- master_read_memory
- master_read_to_file
- master_set_timeout
- master_write_16
- master_write_32
- master_write_8
- master_write_from_file
- master_write_memory
- module_get_children
- module_get_keys
- module_get_parent
- module_get_values
- monitor_add_range
- monitor_get_all_read_intervals
- monitor_get_interval
- monitor_get_missing_event_count
- monitor_get_read_interval
- monitor_read_all_data
- monitor_read_data
- monitor_set_callback
- monitor_set_enabled
- monitor_set_interval
- open_service
- packet_send_command
- plugin_disable
- plugin_enable
- processor_clear_breakpoint
- processor_download_elf
- processor_gdbserver
- processor_gdbserver_start
- processor_gdbserver_stop
- processor_get_register
- processor_get_register_names
- processor_in_debug_mode
- processor_reset
- processor_run
- processor_semihosting_start
- processor_semihosting_stop
- processor_set_breakpoint
- processor_set_register
- processor_step
- processor_stop
- processor_stop_reason
- processor_verify_elf
- refresh_connections
- remove_service
- semiConsoleNew
- semihosting_start
- semihosting_stop
- send_message
- sld_access_dr
- sld_access_ir
- sld_lock
- sld_run_test_idle
- sld_send_program
- sld_test_logic_reset
- sld_unlock
- stp_run
- system_get_keys
- system_get_values
- toolkit_get_toolkit_actions
- toolkit_get_toolkit_autosweep_input_parameters
- toolkit_get_toolkit_autosweep_output_metrics
- toolkit_get_toolkit_channel_properties
- toolkit_get_toolkit_channels
- toolkit_get_toolkit_display_hint
- toolkit_get_toolkit_display_id_to_name
- toolkit_get_toolkit_display_item_property
- toolkit_get_toolkit_eye_channels
- toolkit_get_toolkit_eye_input_parameters
- toolkit_get_toolkit_eye_output_metrics
- toolkit_get_toolkit_matching_modules
- toolkit_get_toolkit_matching_services
- toolkit_get_toolkit_matching_systems
- toolkit_get_toolkit_parameter_properties
- toolkit_get_toolkit_parameter_property
- toolkit_get_toolkit_parameter_value
- toolkit_get_toolkit_parameters
- toolkit_get_toolkit_properties
- toolkit_get_toolkit_property
- toolkit_get_toolkit_requirement_ids
- toolkit_get_toolkit_requirement_properties
- toolkit_get_toolkit_requirement_property
- toolkit_load_toolkit_instance
- toolkit_log_toolkit_command_start
- toolkit_log_toolkit_command_stop
- toolkit_run_toolkit_action
- toolkit_set_toolkit_parameter_value
- toolkit_unload_toolkit_instance
- trace_db_delete_snapshot
- trace_db_get_snapshot
- trace_db_snapshot_get_event_data
- trace_db_snapshot_get_event_fields
- trace_db_snapshot_get_event_kind
- trace_db_snapshot_get_event_timestamp
- trace_db_snapshot_get_events
- trace_decoder_add_key_result
- trace_decoder_add_result
- trace_decoder_define_key
- trace_decoder_get_config
- trace_decoder_get_data_16
- trace_decoder_get_data_16be
- trace_decoder_get_data_32
- trace_decoder_get_data_32be
- trace_decoder_get_data_64
- trace_decoder_get_data_64be
- trace_decoder_get_data_8
- trace_decoder_get_length
- trace_decoder_get_timestamp
- trace_decoder_set_callback
- trace_decoder_set_config_regs
- trace_decoder_set_summary
- trace_get_db_size
- trace_get_max_db_size
- trace_get_monitor_info
- trace_get_monitors
- trace_get_status
- trace_load
- trace_read_monitor
- trace_save
- trace_set_max_db_size
- trace_set_trigger_mode
- trace_start
- trace_stop
- trace_write_monitor