Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Recommendations

ID 683082
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents State Machine Processing

The default state machine encoding uses one-hot encoding for FPGA devices and minimal-bits encoding for CPLDs. These settings achieve the best results on average, but another encoding style might be more appropriate for your design.

Use the State Machine Processing option (Assignments > Settings > Compiler Settings > Advanced Settings (Synthesis)) to control the encoding style of your design.

One-Hot State Machine Encoding

For one-hot encoding, the Quartus® Prime software does not guarantee that each state has one bit set to one and all other bits set to zero. Quartus® Prime synthesis creates one-hot register encoding with standard one-hot encoding and then inverts the first bit. This results in an initial state with all zero values, and the remaining states have two 1 values. Quartus® Prime synthesis encodes the initial state with all zeros for the state machine power-up because all device registers power up to a low value.

This encoding has the same properties as true one-hot encoding: the software recognizes each state by the value of one bit. For example, in a one-hot-encoded state machine with five states, including an initial or reset state, the software uses the following register encoding:
State 0    0 0 0 0 0
State 1    0 0 0 1 1
State 2    0 0 1 0 1
State 3    0 1 0 0 1
State 4    1 0 0 0 1

User-Encoded State Machine Encoding

If you set the State Machine Processing logic option to User-Encoded in a Verilog HDL design, the software starts with the original design values for the state constants. For example, a Verilog HDL design can contain the following declaration:

parameter S0 = 4'b1010, S1 = 4'b0101, ...

If the software infers the states S0, S1,... the software uses the encoding 4'b1010, 4'b0101,... . If necessary, the software inverts bits in a user-encoded state machine to ensure that all bits of the reset state of the state machine are zero.

Remember: You can view the state machine encoding from the Compilation Report under the State Machines of the Analysis & Synthesis Report.

To assign your own state encoding with the User-Encoded setting of the State Machine Processing option in a VHDL design, you must apply specific binary encoding to the elements of an enumerated type because enumeration literals have no numeric values in VHDL. Use the syn_encoding synthesis attribute to apply your encoding values.