F-Tile Interlaken Intel® FPGA IP Design Example User Guide

ID 683069
Date 9/30/2024

1.6. Testing the Hardware Design Example

After you compile the F-tile Interlaken Intel® FPGA IP design example and configure your device, you can use the System Console to program the IP core and its registers.

Follow these steps to bring up the System Console and test the hardware design example:

  1. In the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software, on the Tools menu, click System Debugging Tools > System Console.
  2. Change to the <design_example_installation_dir>example_design/hwtest directory.
  3. To open a connection to the JTAG master, type the following command:
    source sysconsole_testbench.tcl
  4. You can turn on internal serial loopback mode with the following design example commands:
    1. stat: Prints general status info.
    2. sys_reset: Resets the system.
    3. run_example_design: Runs the example design with internal serial loopback.
      • To run internal serial loopback on FHT PMA, use run_example_design_fht command.
      • To run external loopback on FHT or FGT PMA, use run_example_design_exlb command.
  5. You can program the IP core with the following additional design example commands:
    1. gen_on: Enables the packet generator.
    2. gen_off: Disables the packet generator.
    3. sys_reset: System reset.
    4. clear_err: Clears all the CSR sticky error bits.
    5. clear_err_crc: Clears the Design Example CRC error flags.
    6. set_burst_size <burst_size>: Sets burst size in bytes. Acceptable values are 128, 256, or 512.
    7. get_burst_size: Prints burst size information.
    The successful test prints HW_TEST:PASS message. Below is the passing criteria for a test run:
    • No errors for CRC32, CRC24, and checker.
    • Transmitted SOPs and EOPs should match with the received SOPs and EOPs.
    The following sample output illustrates a successful test run in Interlaken mode:
    	 INFO: INFO: Stop generating packtes
        ==== STATUS REPORT ====
        TX KHz         : 366209
        RX KHz         : 366210
        Freq locks     : 0x00000f
        TX PLL lock    : 0x000001
        Align          : 0x00d10f
        Rx LOA         : 0x000000
        Tx LOA         : 0x000000
        word lock      : 0x00000f
        sync lock      : 0x00000f
        CRC32 errors   : 0
        CRC24 errors   : 0
        Checker errors : 0
        FIFO err flags : 0x000000
        SOPs transmitted   : 1866062873
        EOPs transmitted   : 1866062873
        SOPs received      : 1866062873
        EOPs received      : 1866062873
        ECC corrected      : 0
        ECC error          : 0
        Elapsed 161 sec since powerup
    The following sample output illustrates a successful test run in Interlaken Look-aside mode:
    	 INFO: INFO: Stop generating packtes
        ==== STATUS REPORT ====
        TX KHz         : 195312
        RX KHz         : 195312
        Freq locks     : 0x000fff
        TX PLL lock    : 0x000001
        Align          : 0x00d10f
        Rx LOA         : 0x000000
        Tx LOA         : 0x000000
        word lock      : 0x000fff
        sync lock      : 0x000fff
        CRC32 errors   : 0
        CRC24 errors   : 0
        Checker errors : 0
        FIFO err flags : 0x000000
        SOPs transmitted   : 3314317815
        EOPs transmitted   : 3314317815
        SOPs received      : 3314317815
        EOPs received      : 3314317815
        Elapsed 163 sec since powerup