Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Programmer

ID 683039
Date 12/05/2024
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3.4.2. HPS Flash Programmer Command Line Examples

Type quartus_hps --help to obtain information about usage. You can also type quartus_hps --help=<option> to obtain more details about each option. For example "quartus_hps --help=o".

Program File to Address 0 of Flash

quartus_hps –c 1 –o P input.bin programs the input file (input.bin) into the flash, starting at flash address 0 using a cable 1.

Program First 500 Bytes of File to Flash (Decimal)

quartus_hps –c 1 –o PV –a 1024 –s 500 input.bin programs the first 500 bytes of the input file (input.bin) into the flash, starting at flash address 1024, followed by a verification using a cable 1.
Note: Without the prefix "0x" for the flash address, the tool assumes it is decimal.

Program First 500 Bytes of File to Flash (Hexadecimal)

quartus_hps –c 1 –o PV –a 0x400 –s 500 input.bin programs the first 500 bytes of the input file (input.bin) into the flash, starting at flash address 1024, followed by a verification using a cable 1.
Note: With the prefix 0x, the tool assumes it is hexadecimal.

Program File to Flash Repeating Twice at Every 1 MB

quartus_hps –c 1 –o BPV –t 2 –i 0x100000 input.bin programs the input file (input.bin) into the flash, using a cable 1. The operation repeats itself twice at every 1 megabyte (MB) of the flash address. Before the program operation, the tool ensures the flash is blank. After the program operation, the tool verifies the data programmed.

Erase Flash on the Flash Addresses

quartus_hps –c 1 –o EB input.bin erases the flash on the flash addresses where the input file (input.bin) resides, followed by a blank-check using a cable 1.

Erase Full Chip

quartus_hps –c 1 –o E erases the full chip, using a cable 1. When no input file (input.bin) is specified, it erases all the flash contents.

Erase Specified Memory Contents of Flash

quartus_hps –c 1 –o E –a 0x100000 –s 0x400000 erases specified memory contents of the flash. For example, 4 MB worth of memory content residing in the flash address, starting at 1 MB, are erased using a cable 1.

Examine Data from Flash

quartus_hps –c 1 –o X –a 0x98679 –s 56789 output.bin examines 56789 bytes of data from the flash with a 0x98679 flash start address, using a cable 1.