Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Programmer

ID 683039
Date 12/05/2024
Document Table of Contents

2.9.10. Compression and Encryption Settings (Convert Programming File)

The compression and encryption settings allow you to specify options for compression and encryption key security for the device configuration SRAM Object File (.sof). To access these settings, select the .sof in the Input files to convert list in the Convert Programming File dialog box, and click Properties.
Table 37.  SOF File Properties: Bitstream Encryption Dialog Box (Convert Programming Files)Allows you to specify options for compression and encryption key security for the device configuration SRAM Object File (.sof). To access, select an .sof in the Input files to convert list in the Convert Programming Files dialog box, and click Properties.
Option Description
Compression Applies compression to the bitstream to reduce the size of your programming file. The Quartus® Prime Assembler can generate a compressed bitstream image that reduces configuration file size by 30% to 55% (depending on the design). The FPGA device receives the compressed configuration bitstream, and then can decompress the data in real-time during configuration. This option is unavailable whenever Generate encrypted bitstream is enabled.
Enable decompression during partial reconfiguration Enables the option bit for bitstream decompression during Partial Reconfiguration.
Generate encrypted bitstream Generates an encrypted bitstream configuration image. You then generate and specify an encryption key file (.ekp) for device configuration. This option is unavailable whenever Compression is enabled.
Enable volatile security key Allows you to encrypt the .sof file with volatile (enabled) or non-volatile (disabled) security key.
Generate encryption lock file Specifies the name of the encryption lock file (.elk) that Convert Programming Files generates.
Generate key programming file Specifies the name of the key programming file (.key) that Convert Programming Files generates.
Use key file
  • Key 1 file—specifies the name of Key 1 .key file.
  • Key 2 file—specifies the name of Key 2 .key file.
Key entry Specifies the keys for bitstream decryption.
Security options The following options allow you to enable or disable features that impact device security for the configuration bitstream.
  • Disable partial reconfiguration—disables use of partial reconfiguration for the bitstream.
  • Disable key-related JTAG instructions—disables use of key-related JTAG instructions for the bitstream.
  • Disable other extended JTAG instructions—disables use of other JTAG instructions for the bitstream.
  • Force the external JTAG pins into BYPASS mode—forces the external JTAG pins into BYPASS mode.
You can specify Off, Turns On Until the Next Full Configuration, Turns on until the next Power-On-Reset event, Turns on by blowing the corresponding fuses,
Design Security Feature Disclaimer Acknowledges required acceptance of Design Security Disclaimer.