Intel Agilex® 7 Variable Precision DSP Blocks User Guide

ID 683037
Date 10/02/2023
Document Table of Contents

5.4. Maximum Output Data Width for Fixed-point Arithmetic

Table 43.  Maximum Output Data Width for 9 x 9 Sum of 4 Operational Mode
Operation Mode Maximum Output Data Width
resulta chainout
m9x9_sumof4 64 64
Table 44.  Maximum Output Data Width for 18 x 18 Fixed-point Arithmetic Operational Modes
Operation Mode Maximum Output Data Width
resulta resultb scanout chainout
Without Input Cascade Feature When Input Cascade is Enabled for ay Input When Input Cascade is Enabled for by Input When Input Cascade is Enabled for ay and by Input  
m18×18_full 37 37 Use the same width as by port width. Use the same width as by port width. Use the same width as ay or scanin port width. Use the same width as ay or scanin port width. Not used
m18×18_sumof2 64 Not used Use the same width as by. Use the same width as by port width. Use the same width as ay or scanin port width. Use the same width as ay or scanin port width. 64
m18×18_systolic 44 37 Use the same width as by. Use the same width as by port width. Use the same width as ay or scanin port width. Use the same width as ay or scanin port width. 44
Table 45.  Maximum Output Data Width for 27 x 27 Fixed-point Arithmetic Operational Mode
Operation Mode Maximum Output Data Width
resulta scanout chainout


Use the same width as ay or scanin port width.