Visible to Intel only — GUID: qyc1540272350008
1. Overview
2. Use Cases
3. Quad SPI Flash Layout
4. Quartus® Prime Software and Tool Support
5. Software Support
6. Flash Corruption - Detection and Recovery
7. Remote System Update Example
8. Version Compatibility Considerations
9. Stratix® 10 Hard Processor System Remote System Update User Guide Archives
10. Document Revision History for the Stratix® 10 Hard Processor System Remote System Update User Guide
A. Configuration Flow Diagrams
B. RSU Status and Error Codes
C. U-Boot RSU Reference Information
D. LIBRSU Reference Information
E. Combined Application Images
2.1. Manufacturing
2.2. Application Image Boot
2.3. Factory Image Boot
2.4. Modifying the List of Application Images
2.5. Querying RSU Status
2.6. Loading a Specific Image
2.7. Protected Access to Flash
2.8. Remote System Update Watchdog
2.9. RSU Notify
2.10. Updating the Factory Image
2.11. Updating the Decision Firmware
2.12. Retrying when Configuration Fails
2.13. Querying the Decision Firmware Version
C.6.1. rsu_init
C.6.2. rsu_exit
C.6.3. rsu_slot_count
C.6.4. rsu_slot_by_name
C.6.5. rsu_slot_get_info
C.6.6. rsu_slot_size
C.6.7. rsu_slot_priority
C.6.8. rsu_slot_erase
C.6.9. rsu_slot_program_buf
C.6.10. rsu_slot_program_factory_update_buf
C.6.11. rsu_slot_program_buf_raw
C.6.12. rsu_slot_verify_buf
C.6.13. rsu_slot_verify_buf_raw
C.6.14. rsu_slot_enable
C.6.15. rsu_slot_disable
C.6.16. rsu_slot_load
C.6.17. rsu_slot_load_factory
C.6.18. rsu_slot_rename
C.6.19. rsu_slot_delete
C.6.20. rsu_slot_create
C.6.21. rsu_status_log
C.6.22. rsu_notify
C.6.23. rsu_clear_error_status
C.6.24. rsu_reset_retry_counter
C.6.25. rsu_dcmf_version
C.6.26. rsu_max_retry
C.6.27. rsu_dcmf_status
C.6.28. rsu_create_empty_cpb
C.6.29. rsu_restore_cpb
C.6.30. rsu_save_cpb
C.6.31. rsu_restore_spt
C.6.32. rsu_save_spt
C.6.33. rsu_running_factory
C.7.1. dtb
C.7.2. list
C.7.3. slot_by_name
C.7.4. slot_count
C.7.5. slot_disable
C.7.6. slot_enable
C.7.7. slot_erase
C.7.8. slot_get_info
C.7.9. slot_load
C.7.10. slot_load_factory
C.7.11. slot_priority
C.7.12. slot_program_buf
C.7.13. slot_program_buf_raw
C.7.14. slot_program_factory_update_buf
C.7.15. slot_rename
C.7.16. slot_delete
C.7.17. slot_create
C.7.18. slot_size
C.7.19. slot_verify_buf
C.7.20. slot_verify_buf_raw
C.7.21. status_log
C.7.22. update
C.7.23. notify
C.7.24. clear_error_status
C.7.25. reset_retry_counter
C.7.26. display_dcmf_version
C.7.27. display_dcmf_status
C.7.28. display_max_retry
C.7.29. restore_spt
C.7.30. save_spt
C.7.31. create_empty_cpb
C.7.32. restore_cpb
C.7.33. save_cpb
C.7.34. check_running_factory
D.6.1. librsu_init
D.6.2. librsu_exit
D.6.3. rsu_slot_count
D.6.4. rsu_slot_by_name
D.6.5. rsu_slot_get_info
D.6.6. rsu_slot_size
D.6.7. rsu_slot_priority
D.6.8. rsu_slot_erase
D.6.9. rsu_slot_program_buf
D.6.10. rsu_slot_program_factory_update_buf
D.6.11. rsu_slot_program_file
D.6.12. rsu_slot_program_factory_update_file
D.6.13. rsu_slot_program_buf_raw
D.6.14. rsu_slot_program_file_raw
D.6.15. rsu_slot_verify_buf
D.6.16. rsu_slot_verify_file
D.6.17. rsu_slot_verify_buf_raw
D.6.18. rsu_slot_verify_file_raw
D.6.19. rsu_slot_program_callback
D.6.20. rsu_slot_program_callback_raw
D.6.21. rsu_slot_verify_callback
D.6.22. rsu_slot_verify_callback_raw
D.6.23. rsu_slot_copy_to_file
D.6.24. rsu_slot_enable
D.6.25. rsu_slot_disable
D.6.26. rsu_slot_load_after_reboot
D.6.27. rsu_slot_load_factory_after_reboot
D.6.28. rsu_slot_rename
D.6.29. rsu_slot_delete
D.6.30. rsu_slot_create
D.6.31. rsu_status_log
D.6.32. rsu_notify
D.6.33. rsu_clear_error_status
D.6.34. rsu_reset_retry_counter
D.6.35. rsu_dcmf_version
D.6.36. rsu_max_retry
D.6.37. rsu_dcmf_status
D.6.38. rsu_save_spt
D.6.39. rsu_restore_spt
D.6.40. rsu_save_cpb
D.6.41. rsu_create_empty_cpb
D.6.42. rsu_restore_cpb
D.6.43. rsu_running_factory
D.7.1. count
D.7.2. list
D.7.3. size
D.7.4. priority
D.7.5. enable
D.7.6. disable
D.7.7. request
D.7.8. request-factory
D.7.9. erase
D.7.10. add
D.7.11. add-factory-update
D.7.12. add-raw
D.7.13. verify
D.7.14. verify-raw
D.7.15. copy
D.7.16. log
D.7.17. notify
D.7.18. clear-error-status
D.7.19. reset-retry-counter
D.7.20. display-dcmf-version
D.7.21. display-dcmf-status
D.7.22. display-max-retry
D.7.23. create-slot
D.7.24. delete-slot
D.7.25. restore-spt
D.7.26. save-spt
D.7.27. create-empty-cpb
D.7.28. restore-cpb
D.7.29. save-cpb
D.7.30. check-running-factory
D.7.31. help
Visible to Intel only — GUID: qyc1540272350008
5.3. U-Boot RSU Support
U-Boot provides the following RSU-related features:
- Enables you to access the RSU functionality from U-Boot source code, using an interface similar with LIBRSU.
- Enables you to access the RSU functionality from U-Boot command line
U-Boot runs at EL1, and it uses the SMC (Secure Monitor Call) handler provided by ATF (which runs at EL3) to access the SDM commands. U-Boot also accesses the QSPI flash to implement the RSU functionality.
Note: Prior to branch socfpga_v2020.07, U-Boot was running at EL3 and was the provider of the SMC handler for the rest of the HPS software. In branch socfpga_v2020.07 there was the option to have either U-Boot or ATF to implement the SMC handler. Starting with branch socfpga_v2020.10 only the ATF provides the SMC handler. Using the U-Boot as the SMC handler is now only supported for experimental purposes such as bringing up a new board, as it allows convenient access to all HPS registers from U-Boot command line, at the expense of reduced security and functionality. All new features are implemented in ATF only.
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