FPGA Design Flow
Similar to OpenCL, SYCL* supports both online and offline compilation for non-FPGA targets. However, for FPGA hardware, only offline kernel compilation is supported. This is because the device binary generation process for FPGA hardware is computationally intensive and time-consuming, making online (just-in-time) compilation impractical. For this reason, Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler only supports offline (ahead-of-time) kernel compilation. As longer compile times impede your productivity, the compiler provides several mechanisms that enable you to target an FPGA and iterate quickly on your designs.
OpenCL | SYCL |
The offline compiler in the Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL can create your FPGA programming image file in a single or multistep process. The following topics in the Intel FPGA SDK for OpenCL Pro Edition: Programming Guide describe these processes in detail: |
Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler in the Intel oneAPI Base Toolkit supports multistep compilation for creating your FPGA programming image file. See Types of SYCL FPGA Compilation in the Intel® oneAPI Programming Guide for detailed information.
You need only the Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit to compile for FPGA emulation or optimization report generation. However, you must install the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro software and BSPs for simulation or hardware compilation. See Intel FPGA development flow web page and Installation Guide for Intel® oneAPI Toolkits for more information. |
The following table lists design flows with commands for OpenCL and SYCL:
Design Flow |
OpenCL |
Comments |
Emulation (seconds) |
aoc -march=emulator <your_kernel_filename>.cl | icpx -fsycl -fintelfpga <your single-source program>.cpp |
The SYCL program must use the fpga_emulator_selector device selector. See Emulate Your Design section in the Intel oneAPI Programming Guide for additional information. |
Simulation (minutes) |
aoc -march=simulator -ghdl -board=<board_name><your_kernel_filename>.cl |
icpx -fsycl -fintelfpga -Xssimulation <your single-source program>.cpp |
See Evaluate Your Kernel Through Simulation section in the Intel oneAPI Programming Guide for additional information. |
Optimization report (minutes) |
aoc -c <your_kernel_filename>.cl -report aoc -rtl <your_kernel_filename>.cl |
icpx -fsycl -fintelfpga -Xshardware -fsycl-link=early <your single-source program>.cpp |
See Analyze the FPGA Early Image section in the FPGA Optimization Guide for Intel® oneAPI Toolkits for detailed information about the reports. |
One-step compilation to hardware image (hours) |
aoc <your_kernel_filename>.cl [-report] |
icpx -fsycl -fintelfpga -Xshardware <your_single-source_program>.cpp |
The -Xshardware flag compiles to FPGA hardware using the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro software. See Install the Intel® Quartus Prime Pro Software section in the Intel® oneAPI Toolkits Installation Guide for Linux* OS for information. |