Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic (ifort) is now deprecated and was discontinued in October 2024. Intel recommends that customers transition to using the LLVM-based Intel® Fortran Compiler (ifx) for continued Windows* and Linux* support, new language support, new language features, and optimizations.
For the latest information on transitioning from ifort to ifx, see the Porting Guide for ifort Users to ifx.
The Intel® Fortran Compiler provide optimizations that help your applications to run faster on Intel® 64, and IA-32 architectures, with support for the latest Fortran language standards. This compiler produces optimized code that can run significantly faster by taking advantage of the ever-increasing core count and vector register width in Intel® Xeon® processors and compatible processors. The compiler helps you boost application performance through superior optimizations and Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) vectorization, integration with Intel® Performance Libraries, and by leveraging the OpenMP* 5.0/5.1 parallel programming model.
You can run the compiler from a command line or from within Microsoft Visual Studio*.
Intel® Fortran Compiler Considerations
The Intel® Fortran Compiler (ifx) is a new compiler based on the Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic (ifort) front end and runtime libraries, using LLVM backend technology. At this time, ifx supports features of the Fortran 95 language, and most OpenMP 5.0/5.1 directives and offloading features. ifx is binary (.o/.obj) and module (.mod) file compatible; binaries and libraries generated with ifort can be linked with binaries and libraries built with ifx, and .mod files generated with one compiler can be used by the other. Both compilers use the ifort runtime libraries.
The -fp-model fast and -fp-model fast=2 options behave differently with ifx and ifort. With ifort, floating point compares happen as specified by the IEEE floating point standard, in that the code sequence generated for them assumes a compare can involve a NaN. ifx does not generate the check for NaN operands. Add the -assume nan_compare option to the command line when you use -fp-model fast or -fp-model fast=2 with ifx and when you expect NaN compares to match ifort's behavior.Find More
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The Developer Guide and Reference contains information on:
Explore tutorials, training materials, and other Fortran documentation. | |
Intel® Fortran Compiler and Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic Release Notes |
Information on product installation, new and changed features, and issues that are not described in the product documentation. |
Ask questions and find answers in the Intel® Fortran Compiler forum. |
Add oneAPI components to a Yocto project build using the meta-intel layers. |
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