Nevin Liber first discovered the joys of C++ in 1988, and joined its standardization effort two decades later to represent developers. While working at Argonne on the oneAPI, DPC++, and SYCL* backend for Kokkos, he saw what high-performance computing (HPC) and heterogeneous computing developers need. He concluded that standardization is the way to address those needs in the long term.

In this video, Nevin presents his journey so far, the ways in which he would like to see oneAPI evolve, and how to help guide those improvements into SYCL, and ultimately standard C++, to handle development needs for decades to come.



Nevin Liber is a computer scientist in the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF) division of Argonne National Laboratory. He also represents Argonne on the SYCL and C++ committees, the latter as vice-chairman of the SG18 and LEWG Incubator study group.