AdePT Project: Porting Particle Transport Simulation to oneAPI

The AdePT project is an research and development (R&D) activity led by CERN that aims to speed up the simulation of particle propagation in the detector regions dominated by electromagnetic physics. The project goals are to implement technical solutions to run particle transport on GPUs and to understand related portability, implementation, and optimization issues. While the project targets only the NVIDIA platform, code portability and support for different hardware accelerators are long-term goals. In that context, the oneAdePT project has been started to investigate oneAPI as a possible way forward.


Daniel-Florin Dosaru is a master's student in computer science at EPFL, and he is working on his master thesis as a technical student CERN in the EP/SFT group. He would describe himself as a computer systems enthusiast who is passionate about parallel programming, networking, and security.