A Biometrics App for Secure Banking Built Using Intel® oneAPI

Speaker: Alessandro Faria, OITI Technologies

In this talk, we look at Intel® oneAPI Video Processing Library (oneVPL) and how it is used in Certiface technology to combat fraud through the ability to differentiate between a live person and a recorded video. Certiface is built to harness heterogeneous computing architecture including CPUs and GPUs from servers to notebooks. The software uses high-performance computing with oneVPL, and applies computer vision techniques with OpenCV and OpenVINO™. It also uses deep learning technologies based on Intel products, such as Threading Building Blocks (TBB), Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives, and Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library. This technology processes millions of faces per second in the cloud, making banking transaction operations in Brazil secure, fast, and effective.

Additional Resources

Great Cross-Architecture Challenge—A Coding Challenge

Calling all C++, DPC++, and CUDA developers. We’re searching for the next oneAPI hero—someone who can write code that will run on the latest CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs. Submit your best projects to win some amazing prizes.

Supercomputing 2020 (SC20) Recorded Sessions on oneAPI

Self-paced Trainings Using Jupyter* Notebooks

Sign Up for Intel® DevCloud for oneAPI


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