Edge Insights for Industrial
Integrate video and time-series data analytics on edge compute nodes for industrial use cases using prevalidated software components.
Ready-to-use containerized analytics pipelines allow concurrent time-series and video workloads.
Supports acceleration and distribution of video analytics on CPUs, GPUs, and VPUs.
Enables cloud-to-edge manageability of application services with over-the-air updates.
Software Architecture
Featured Components
Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit
Develop and optimize AI and computer vision applications. This toolkit maximizes performance and extends workloads across Intel® hardware, including accelerators.
Data Security Framework
Prevent unauthorized data access with a two-stage process that relies on hardware-based security standards to protect certificates and configuration secrets.
Requires Ubuntu* Linux*
Recommended for Intel® Xeon® processors and 6th to 8th generation Intel® Core™ processors. Supports hardware acceleration on a CPU, iGPU, VPU, and the Intel® Neural Compute Stick 2.
Use Cases and Reference Implementations
Understand the components, services, architecture, and data flow in Edge Insights for Industrial.
Access instructions for installing the software and validating the installation.
Advantech* EPC-C301 Developer Kit
This embedded AI system delivers high-performance computing on 8th generation Intel® Core™ processors.
JWIPC iFactry Developer Kit
Deploy industrial-grade hardware and software in factories, warehouses, and manufacturing environments.
IEI* TANK AIoT Developer Kit with Intel® Xeon® Processors
Create industrialized solutions with the performance of hardware accelerators and Intel® Xeon® processors.