How do I add an administrator to manage my serial number

ID 662820
Updated 10/12/2017
Version Latest



The registered owner of the serial number for the product (referred to as Owner) can add or change an existing administrator to help manage the serial number as follows:

  • Provide the team access to the serial number.
  • Provide for a contact responsible for managing the purchase or renewal of the serial number.

The administrator will receive expiration notices and be able to transfer the serial number, but will not be entitled to use the software product unless assuming ownership.

To add or change an administrator, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to the Intel® Registration Center by entering your login ID and password. You will see a list of all your products.
  2. For each product, you will see the product name, component names (if applicable), a link to the latest version available for download and the posted date of the latest update.

    NOTE: Expired products are shown only if you change the ‘expired products’ from ‘hidden’ to ‘shown’ on the top of the page.

  3. Clicking on a specific product will take you to the subscription history page where you will be able to download the latest version. On the top you will find the serial number, support status and links to manage the license and renew your subscription.
  4. Click on the "Manage" link under the Admin column. This will bring up a Manage License page.
  5. To add an administrator, click on the "Serial Number User Management" link which will display the Primary owner and Administrator. Click “Add” button under Action. A box will appear to enter the administrator's email address and then click the "Add" button next to the box to complete adding the administrator.
  6. To change administrator to another, click on the "Change" under the "Action" column which will display a box to enter the new administrator's email address and then click on "Change" button next to the box to complete changing the administrator.

  NOTE:  The specified administrator must be within license Owner's email domain.

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