Where do I download the Intel® IPP Cryptography libraries?

ID 662819
Updated 12/10/2019
Version Latest

Important Notes: 
  1. This article provides the instructions on getting the cryptography packages in the Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel® IPP) 2020, 2019 and 2018.  If you want to get the previous versions of cryptography libraries, follow the instructions in the "Where Do I Download Old Versions of the Intel® IPP Cryptography Libraries" article. 
  2. Starting from Intel® IPP 2018, the cryptography functions removed the code dependency on the main package. The cryptography functions are provided as the standalone packages that do not require installation of the main Intel® IPP packages. 

Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel® IPP) cryptography package is an export controlled product, and access requires a special request process. Use the following steps to download the Intel® IPP cryptography libraries. 


  • Check Intel® IPP version, and select the registration form:
Intel® IPP 2020 Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2020  Intel® System Studio 2020                                           


Intel(R) IPP 2020 cryptography registration 

Intel® IPP 2019 Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2019  Intel® System Studio 2019                                           


Intel(R) IPP 2019 cryptography registration 

Intel® IPP 2018 Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2018     Intel® System Studio 2018


Intel(R) IPP 2018 cryptography registration

 Intel® IPP 2017 and the previous releases Intel(R) IPP previous versions cryptography


  • Fill out this form to register for eligibility.  Submit filled-in form and wait for system check. After that, an e-mail will notify you of a successful request. In most cases your notification email should appear within 24 business hours. If you do not receive a response within three business days, leave a message via the Intel® IPP forum or submit a request to the Online Service Center web 


  • You could access software download URL in the notification e-mail from Intel® Software Development Products Registration Center. Click the URL to go to the download page of Intel® IPP Cryptography library.
  • Choose the product and the version you want in the download page, and get the package.

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