Where do I download the old version of Intel® IPP Cryptography libraries?

ID 679714
Updated 9/8/2017
Version Latest

Note This article provides the instructions on getting the cryptography packages in Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel® IPP) 2017 or previous releases.

Cryptography for Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives is an add-on library for Intel® IPP. As this is an export controlled product, access requires a special request process. There are two ways for commercial users and evaluation users to obtain the cryptography add-on which are listed in follows.

For Commercial and Community Users

  1. Register your purchased copy with the serial number at the Intel® Software Development Products Registration Center. You could install Intel® IPP from standalone packages, or download Intel® Parallel Studio XE or Intel® System Studio which contain Intel® IPP as a part of the suites. The Cryptography library for IPP add-on could be available with the Community License.
  2. Go to Intel® Software Development Products Registration Center, and “Sign In” with your support account. View the list of Intel software development products available to download. Click on the product link to go to the download page of the product.
    • If your product is Intel® Parallel Studio XE, please click on the link corresponding to the download page of Intel® Parallel Studio XE. For instance, I selected IPS cluster edition for windows in the example below. Click the link for the cryptography library as highlighted below.
    • If your product is Intel® System Studio, select the Intel System Studio product you are using. Also click the link of the cryptography library as demonstrated below.
    • If you are using the standalone Intel® IPP packages with the Community License, click on that product. Also click the link for the cryptography library as demonstrated below.
  3. When you click the link for getting the cryptography library for IPP, you may see the screen shown here. In this case, please follow the instructions on this page. Click the link to the request form under "register for eligibility".
  4. Fill out the form. ASCII/Latin characters only please. Submit the filled-in form and wait for the system check. After that, an e-mail will notify you of a successful request. In most cases your notification email should appear within 24 hours. If you do not receive a response within three business days, leave a message via the Intel IPP forum or submit a request to the Online Service Center web site.
  5. You could access the software download URL listed in this e-mail from the Intel Registration Center, or click the URL to go to the download page of the IPP Cryptography library. The cryptography add-on can be downloaded from there.
    Note the version and build number of the add-on must match the version/build # of your installed Intel® IPP.

For New Evaluation Users

  1. Get an evaluation of Intel® IPP library. Select the proper product suite you would like to download, Intel® Parallel Studio or Intel® System Studio.
    The evaluation user should request an Intel support account. If you do not have an Intel support account, follow the instructions in the evaluation email notification to activate your support account. Check the Product Registration FAQ here for your registration problems.
  2. In the product selection page, choose the proper platform and click the option to download a 30 days free trial. You will required to fill in a form with your information.
  3. When you submit the filled-in form, you should receive an e-mail with a serial number (limited to 30 days) and a link to the download page. Please access the download page for IPS or ISS. On this download page, such as the one shown below, there will be a link to Cryptography for IPP as highlighted in this image.

    Click that link. The rest of the process is similar to that of a commercial user (steps 3-5).

If there are any problems with this procedure, please visit our Get Help page for support options. Please indicate in your support request the version/build # of your main Intel® IPP and the email address used in the cryptography add-on request form.