Get Started with an Intel®-Based Developer Kit Preinstalled with Edge Insights for Vision

ID 662665
Updated 7/27/2021
Version Latest


Explore the capabilities of your Intel®-based developer kit preinstalled with the Edge Insights for Vision software package by running sample applications that use the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit. 

Upon successful completion of this guide, you should be able to:

  • Understand the hardware setup of the developer kit
  • Get started with deep learning inference for computer vision using the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit
  • Run a sample application for single- and multi-object detection with hardware acceleration on Intel® processors, graphics processing unit (GPU), or Intel® Vision Accelerator
  • Run a sample application based on the multi-camera detection of social distancing


Recommended Knowledge and Experience
  • For Linux*, you are familiar with executing Linux* commands.

  • For Windows*, you are familiar with running applications on Windows*.

Quick Start Card (included with the kit)

The developer kit is already set up and powered on, and you have logged in to the operating system.

How It Works

hardware setup diagram
Hardware Setup


Get Started

The links below provide step-by-step instructions on how to run each sample application, which showcases the capabilities of Intel® platform with the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit.

Single and Multi-Object Detection with Hardware Acceleration: Linux* / Windows*

  • Get started with deep-learning inference for computer vision on Intel® processors, integrated GPU, or Intel® Vision Accelerator for single- and multi-object detection
  • Execute optimized inference operations on a video stream using the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit


Multi-Camera Detection of Social Distancing: Linux* / Windows*

  • Detect and measure distance between people by using computer vision inference with Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit to generate insights required to detect real-time violations of social distancing
  • Visualize insights from the data stored on a dashboard



You have now experienced computer vision inferencing on the Intel®-based developer kit. 

In this get started guide, we have explored two sample applications that showcase computer vision capabilities on Intel® architecture.

Learn More

Explore additional documentation on the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit and additional reference implementations:

Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit is a software development kit to optimize performance, integrate deep learning inference, and run deep neural networks on Intel® processors, GPU, vision processing unit (VPU), and Intel® FPGA products.

For software updates, resources, and reference implementations, visit the Intel® Edge Software Hub.

Troubleshooting, Support, and Additional Information

For troubleshooting or additional help regarding your developer kit, refer to the manufacturer’s product manual.

Intel® Edge Software Hub and Reference Implementation Support:

Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit Support: