What is Metering, and Why is it Important?
While metering is simply the act of measuring and recording the quantity of something, it has large scale applications that are key to certain business ventures. For instance, metering is often used for billing purposes where a company is tracking the usage of products and services on a monthly basis. For example, metering can be utilized to record the amount of water used in a house or the amount of time between temperature updates from a sensor. Beyond monitoring usage rates in order to bill customers accordingly, metering also allows customers to track how they are spending their money and utilizing resources in real-time. This data can also be used to observe historical patterns in a customer’s utilization in order to aid in the adjustment of their future choices.
What Does Metering Look Like on Edge Middleware Platforms?
In order to view metering in action, I have developed a simple cloud based metering solution for edge middleware platforms, specifically Mainflux and EdgeX Foundry*. The solution consists of add-on microservices that look at incoming messages from preconfigured devices, which are connected to each platform. The services then query how many of each type of message has been sent to the platform from a specific device. Finally, the services output the counts of each message type as well as local CPU and memory usage to a designated port. These message counts can be collected and graphed with the setup of Telegraf, InfluxDB, and Chronograf. Through modifying the Telegraf configuration file, the message counts and system info can be consumed into InfluxDB via the HTTP input plugin. From there, the data can be visualized in Chronograf to track specific message counts as well as local system info. The TIC stack can be setup locally or in the cloud depending on individual implementations. The two services work independently of one another or can be run simultaneously if so desired.
Get Started
As noted in the setup instructions below, the protocol used throughout this tutorial is http, making it insecure if implemented as is. All http endpoints are configurable from the Docker configuration files, and the user can take the precautions to change these to https if so desired. All the resources needed to launch both the Mainflux and EdgeX metering microservices can be found here.
Run Mainflux via Docker
- Clone mainflux repo, cd into it, run:
Use The Cli To Setup Devices And Channels For Actual Or Simulated Devices
- Copy link to cli from the releases page on Mainflux GitHub:
- Create user:
- Get user token:
- Export user token:
- Create thing:
- Get info about thing:
- Create channel:
- Get channel info:
- Connect channel to thing:
Send messages from the device across Mainflux
- Use the CLI to send messages if the device is simulated
Start the Mainflux -> InfluxDB Writer service via Docker
- https://github.com/mainflux/mainflux/tree/master/writers/influxdb
Start the Mainflux Metering microservice via Docker
- Add environmental variables into Docker file before running
- Navigate to localhost:8915 to view message counts and system info
Install Telegraf and Chronograf
Install InfluxDB if Mainflux / Mainflux Writer is not running on the same system
- InfluxDB is already running through the Mainflux writer service if it is running
Configure the HTTP Telegraf input plugin to look at localhost:8915 with a timeout time of 10 seconds and an input format of 'json'
- https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/http
- The Telegraf configuration file is located in /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf
Restart Telegraf and attach Chronograf to the InfluxDB on port 8086
- Chronograf can be launched from localhost:8888
Create Chronograf graphs to visualize Mainflux device message count data and system info by creating a new dashboard
Run EdgeX via Docker Compose
- https://docs.edgexfoundry.org/Ch-QuickStart.html
Set up a device with the platform
- If creating a simulated device: https://docs.edgexfoundry.org/Ch-Walkthrough.html
Start the EdgeX Metering microservice via Docker
- Add environmental variables into Docker file before running
Send messages from the device
- Navigate to localhost:8925 to view message counts and system info
Install Telegraf, InfluxDB, and Chronograf
Configure the HTTP Telegraf input plugin to look at localhost:8925 with a timeout of 10 seconds and an input format of 'json'
- https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/http
- The Telegraf configuration file is located in /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf
Restart Telegraf and attach Chronograf to InfluxDB on port 8086
- Chronograf can be launched from localhost:8888
Create Chronograf graphs to visualize EdgeX device message count data and system info by creating a new dashboard
- Start EC2 instance
- Adjust the instance's security group settings to allow an inbound rule on port 8888 (TCP protocol)
- SSH into instance and forward ports that are being used by microservice(s)
- Install Telegraf, InfluxDB, and Chronograf
Configure the Telegraf HTTP input plugin to look at localhost:8915 and/or localhost:8925 with a timeout of 10 seconds and an input format of 'json'
- The Telegraf configuration file can be found in /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf
Restart Telegraf
sudo systemctl restart telegraf
- Navigate to the instance's IP:8888 and configure Chronograf in a browser to point to the InfluxDB instance at localhost:8086
Create a new dashboard in Chronograf
- Click on the "Add a Cell to Dashboard" button
- Select telegraf.autogen
- Select http -> url -> pick the designated URL for the graph you wish to configure -> click on the appropriate field that you wish to monitor
- Alter the timeframe of the dashboard as needed (e.g. time > now() - 30m)
- Title the graph accordingly and change the colors in the Visualization tab
- Repeatedly add cells to the dashboard as needed to track various message counts and system info from Mainflux and/or EdgeX
How does it work if you want to monitor multiple devices?
As it currently stands, each microservice is capable of monitoring one device with two readings (e.g., a sensor with temperature and humidity readings). The microservices can be reconfigured to monitor multiple devices with various readings, but not without altering and adding multiple lines of code. However, a simpler solution to monitoring multiple devices is to launch multiple microservices on different ports, which can be configured in the Docker/Docker Compose configuration files.
What if my device has less than or more than two readings?
Since the services are currently setup to track devices with two readings, some code modification is needed to track devices with less than or more than two readings. However, the changes are minimal and can be completed through following the tutorial below.
Add additional variables in both the code and Docker configuration files
- Example: messages.go
- Example: docker-compose.yml
Add an additional query in the code
Add additional variables in both the code and the Docker configuration files
- Example: messages.go
- Example: docker-compose.yml
- Add an additional query in the code
Future Enhancements
This simple metering microservice allows for the monitoring of device messages on edge middleware platforms; however, this project can eventually be expanded to provide a more comprehensive solution. For example, this metering data can eventually be used as a source of control in a rules engine. EdgeX currently has a rules engine already implemented in its architecture, or Kapacitor can be utilized for this purpose. Kapacitor is the fourth component of the TICK stack that is used in conjunction with Telegraf, InfluxDB, and Chronograf. It features an alerting system that is also capable of performing certain tasks, such as controlling IoT devices. In this regard, these engines can be utilized to filter/meter exceptions or other anomalies in the incoming data to InfluxDB from the microservices.
Additionally, as is previously mentioned above, the current setup of the microservices allows for the monitoring of one device with two readings. Eventually, it would be worthwhile to restructure the services so that they are capable of monitoring multiple devices from the same microservice, all with an arbitrary number of readings. This restructuring would allow for all data collected from the microservices to be communicated to AWS from one http port, rather than several. In practice, these readings and devices would be configurable from the Docker configuration file, without having to alter any source code.