This article describes a utility to help diagnose system and installation issues for Intel® Computer Vision SDK (Intel® CV SDK) for OpenCL™ Applications and Intel® Media Server Studio. It is a simple Python* script with full source code available.
It is intended as a reference for the kinds of checks to consider from the command line and possibly from within applications. However, this implementation should be considered a prototype/proof of concept -- not a productized tool.
When executed, the tool reports back
- Platform readiness: check if processor has necessary GPU components
- OS readiness: check if OS can see GPU, and if it has required glibc/gcc level
- Install checks for Intel Media Server Studio / Intel® SDK for OpenCL™ applications components
- Results from runs of small smoke test programs for Media SDK and OpenCL
System Requirements
The tool is based on Python 2.7. It should run on a variety of systems with or without necessary components to run GPU applications. However, it is still a work in progress so it may not always exit cleanly when software components are missing.
Using the Software
The display should look like the output below for a successful installation