IntelĀ® Software Development Emulator Download

ID 658483
Updated 11/23/2021
Version Latest

By Ady Tal

Download Intel SDE kits here. Before using Intel SDE, please read the End User License Agreement under Intel Simplified Software License (Version August 2021).

IntelĀ® Software Development Emulator (IntelĀ® SDE) (released November 7, 2021)

Please download packages at the bottom of this page.

  • IntelĀ® SDE for Linux* (sde-external-9.0.0-2021-11-07-lin.tar.xz) 
  • Intel SDE for Linux* signature (sde-external-9.0.0-2021-11-07-lin.tar.xz.sig)
  • Intel SDE for macOS* (sde-external-9.0.0-2021-11-07-mac.tar.xz)
  • Intel SDE for macOS* signature (sde-external-9.0.0-2021-11-07-mac.tar.xz.sig)
  • Intel SDE for Windows* (sde-external-9.0.0-2021-11-07-win.tar.xz)
  • Intel SDE for Windows* signature (sde-external-9.0.0-2021-11-07-win.tar.xz.sig)

Previous IntelĀ® Software Development Emulator (IntelĀ® SDE) (released July 18, 2021)

Please download packages at the bottom of this page.

  • IntelĀ® SDE for Linux* (sde-external-8.69.1-2021-07-18-lin.tar.bz2) 
  • Intel SDE for Linux* signature ( (contains the sig file)
  • Intel SDE for macOS* (sde-external-8.69.1-2021-07-18-mac.tar.bz2)
  • Intel SDE for macOS* signature ( (contains the sig file)
  • Intel SDE for Windows* (sde-external-8.69.1-2021-07-18-win.tar.bz2)
  • Intel SDE for Windows* signature ( (contains the sig file)
  • Intel SDE debugging integration for Windows* (sde-msvs2015-3.0.2.msi)
  • Intel SDE debugging integration for Microsoft Visual Studio* 2017 (SdeVS2017Plugin.vsix)

Note If you use Cygwin's tar command to unpack the Windows* kit, you must execute a "chmod -R +x" on the unpacked directory.


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IntelĀ® SDE 9.0 Intel SDE debugging integration for Microsoft Visual Studio* 2017
Intel SDE 8.69 Intel SDE debugging integration for Windows* 2015
Plugins Intel SDE debugging integration for Windows* 2015 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2017*