Download Intel SDE kits here. Before using Intel SDE, please read the End User License Agreement under Intel Simplified Software License (Version August 2021).
IntelĀ® Software Development Emulator (IntelĀ® SDE) (released November 7, 2021)
Please download packages at the bottom of this page.
- IntelĀ® SDE for Linux* (sde-external-9.0.0-2021-11-07-lin.tar.xz)
- Intel SDE for Linux* signature (sde-external-9.0.0-2021-11-07-lin.tar.xz.sig)
- Intel SDE for macOS* (sde-external-9.0.0-2021-11-07-mac.tar.xz)
- Intel SDE for macOS* signature (sde-external-9.0.0-2021-11-07-mac.tar.xz.sig)
- Intel SDE for Windows* (sde-external-9.0.0-2021-11-07-win.tar.xz)
- Intel SDE for Windows* signature (sde-external-9.0.0-2021-11-07-win.tar.xz.sig)
Previous IntelĀ® Software Development Emulator (IntelĀ® SDE) (released July 18, 2021)
Please download packages at the bottom of this page.
- IntelĀ® SDE for Linux* (sde-external-8.69.1-2021-07-18-lin.tar.bz2)
- Intel SDE for Linux* signature ( (contains the sig file)
- Intel SDE for macOS* (sde-external-8.69.1-2021-07-18-mac.tar.bz2)
- Intel SDE for macOS* signature ( (contains the sig file)
- Intel SDE for Windows* (sde-external-8.69.1-2021-07-18-win.tar.bz2)
- Intel SDE for Windows* signature ( (contains the sig file)
- Intel SDE debugging integration for Windows* (sde-msvs2015-3.0.2.msi)
- Intel SDE debugging integration for Microsoft Visual Studio* 2017 (SdeVS2017Plugin.vsix)
Note If you use Cygwin's tar command to unpack the Windows* kit, you must execute a "chmod -R +x" on the unpacked directory.
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