Intel® Trusted Execution Technology (TXT) for Client Platforms

ID 662606
Updated 7/19/2023
Version Latest


What is Intel® Trusted Execution Technology (Intel® TXT)?

Intel® Trusted Execution Technology is a set of hardware extensions to Intel® processors and chipsets that enhance the digital office platform with security capabilities such as measured launch and protected execution. Intel Trusted Execution Technology provides hardware-based mechanisms that help protect against software-based attacks and protects the confidentiality and integrity of data stored or created on the client PC.

Intel Trusted Execution Technology provides these mechanisms by enabling an environment where applications can run within their own space—protected from all other software on the system. These capabilities provide the protection mechanisms, rooted in hardware, that are necessary to provide trust in the application's execution environment. In turn, these mechanisms can protect vital data and processes from being compromised by malicious software running on the platform.

Trusted Boot (tboot) on Sourceforge:
Trusted Boot (tboot) is an open source, pre- kernel/VMM module that uses Intel® Trusted Execution Technology (Intel® TXT) to perform a measured and verified launch of an OS kernel/VMM.

Project details are at SourceForge: Trusted Boot

Production SINIT ACM Download:
The appropriate production release of the SINIT ACM (authenticated code module) is available for download for the targeted platform on Intel RDC Public Site under Kit number 630744.

More questions? Go to the Intel Business Client Developer Forum.