Intel® Quark™ SE Microcontroller C1000 – Getting Started for Linux*

ID 672028
Updated 9/7/2016
Version Latest



Get Started

Follow these steps to launch your development environment and begin working with your Intel® Quark™ SE microcontroller C1000 developer board.

Intel® Quark™ Microcontroller Software Interface (Intel® QMSI) and Intel® System Studio for Microcontrollers information

Intel® Quark™ Microcontroller Software Interface (Intel® QMSI) is an open-source hardware abstraction layer for Intel® Quark™ microcontroller products. It provides drivers, sample applications and gives access to internal peripherals via a consistent API for both bare-metal and Zephyr Project™ applications.

Intel® System Studio for Microcontrollers is an Eclipse*-integrated software development environment designed specifically to enable development on Intel® Quark™ microcontroller-based developer boards.

Step 1. Prepare Your Hardware

A. Make sure you have everything you need

C1000 Evaluation Kit

  • C1000 developer board
  • Micro USB to USB cable

B. Connect your developer board to your PC via USB

C1000 Set Up

Step 1 Connect USB end to your PC

Step 2 Connect Micro USB to the developer board's FTDI USB Port.

Step 3 The green LED confirms connection



Step 2. Install the Development Environment

A. Download Intel® System Studio for Microcontrollers development environment

Register and Download

B. Install Intel® System Studio for Microcontrollers

  • Make sure that your board is still connected
  • Extract the contents of the archive to a directory with write access
  • Run installation as sudo or root
    tar -xvf l_cembd_mv_XXX

The default installation directory is /opt/intel/issm_20xx.y.zzz.

What if I don't have sudo/root access?

Installing without sudo /root permissions will result in limited functionality and is not recommended. See below for instructions to run installation “as a current user”.

B1. Install Intel® System Studio for Microcontrollers

  • Make sure that your board is still connected
  • Extract the contents of the archive to a directory with write access
  • Run installation “as a current user”

tar -xvf l_cembd_mv_XXX

Note - the default installation directory is

B2. Install the OCD driver to enable serial output

Install the provided udev rules to allow access to the microcontroller using OpenOCD. The following paths are the default used by the installer:


Note: if you changed the installation path, you’ll need to update the paths accordingly

B3. Set user permissions for serial port usage

To reliably access serial devices, it is best to add your user to the dialout Linux* group. The following will work on most Linux* distributions:

sudo usermod -aG dialout

NOTE - If you changed the installation path, you will need to update the paths accordingly.

C. Launch the development environment and follow the Getting Started instructions on the welcome page:

  • Launch the IDE in the installation directory: iss_mcu_ide_eclipse-launcher
  • Intel® System Studio for Microcontrollers will then launch. Follow the instructions from there to get the blinking light sample application working.

ISSM Getting Started

Intel® System Studio for Microcontrollers FAQs

What is Intel® System Studio for Microcontrollers?

It is an integrated software suite built exclusively for developing, optimizing, and debugging applications on the Intel® Quark™ microcontroller D2000 and Intel® Quark™ SE microcontroller C1000.

Why do I need to register?

There are international regulations that require Intel to register users who download an application of this nature. Registering will also allow Intel to keep you up to date on the latest releases.

I've downloaded Intel® System Studio for Microcontrollers, now what?

Once you have download the application, run the install wizard, and then launch the application (i.e. from the Start Menu on Windows*). On the welcome page you’ll find a tutorial to help you get started with the LED_Blink light sample code. You can also try the Accelerometer Tutorial or create your own programs!

Intel® Quark™ SE Microcontroller C1000 main page