Installing Microsoft Visual Studio* for Use with Intel® Compilers

ID 672001
Updated 8/21/2023
Version Latest

Ronald W Green Devorah Hayman

To use the Intel® Compilers with Microsoft Visual Studio* you must customize the install and enable additional workloads.

NOTE: Check here for the supported version of Microsoft Visual Studio* 

For Intel® C++ and Fortran Compilers for Windows* (available as part of oneAPI HPC Toolkit or as a standalone component),  it is necessary to install the Desktop development with C++ component from Visual Studio.  This component is not installed by default. The Intel® oneAPI HPC Toolkit or Intel Compiler installation will detect the missing component and provide a warning, but the installation can still proceed. The component may be installed when Microsoft Visual Studio* is first installed, or may be installed later.

To install the Desktop development with C++ component:

If Microsoft Visual Studio* is not installed on the system:

  1. During installation under the Workloads view (shown below), select the checkbox to install the Desktop development with C++ component.
  2. Continue with the installation

If Microsoft Visual Studio* is already installed on the system:

  1. Open the Visual Studio Installer (See Windows Start or Windows Desktop)
  2. For the installed version of Microsoft Visual Studio*, select Modify
  3. Under the Workloads view (shown below), select the checkbox to install the Desktop development with C++
  4. Select Modify
  5. Continue with the installation

Professional Edition 2019 as an example is shown below, but other Visual Studio versions and editions are similar:

Microsoft* Visual Studio workloads

If you already installed Visual Studio* and did not select the required workloads, rerun the Visual Studio installer and change the options as described above.

Check here for the supported version of Microsoft Visual Studio* 


For more complete information about compiler optimizations, see our Optimization Notice.