This is part 1 of a 4-part series that shows you how to manage the Terasic DE10-Nano with Microsoft* Azure* IoT Edge and use container-based virtualization to reprogram the onboard FPGA from the Microsoft* Azure* Cloud.
About this Tutorial
This tutorial covers the basic hardware and software set up for connecting the Intel® Cyclone® V SoC on the Terasic DE10-Nano to Microsoft* Azure* IoT Edge to manage the DE10-Nano along with other IoT devices in the cloud.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to:
- Prepare the DE10-Nano for use in Azure IoT Edge
- Install Azure IoT Edge runtime on the DE10-Nano
- Deploy a simulated temperature sensor to test Azure IoT Edge
- Verify that the container works from the DE10-Nano and the cloud
In this tutorial you will need the following:
- Microsoft Azure account
- Development PC with Linux* (Ubuntu 16.04 recommended)
- Development PC must operate on a 64-bit architecture & contain 50GB free space (10GB for the Modules as well as 40GB additional free space for Intel® Quartus® software Installation)
- Serial console application on your development PC such as minicom, screen, or PuTTY.
- DE10-Nano Development Kit (You can purchase the kit from your local Intel® distributor or directly from Terasic)
- microSD to SD memory card adapter and SD card reader if your system does not have a microSD card slot or SD card reader. Note: The kit comes with a 4GB microSD card. For better performance, you can purchase a card with a minimum of 8GB.
- Ethernet cable
It is helpful but not required to have experience with:
- DE10-Nano User Manual
- DE10-Nano Getting Started Guide
- Linux*
- Container technology such as Docker*
Hardware accessories for enabling the GUI
- HDMI cable and compatible display
- USB adapter (for type A to micro-B USB cable)
- USB hub
- USB keyboard
- USB mouse
Step 1: Prepare the DE10-Nano
In this step, you will prepare the DE10-Nano for container virtualization, enabling you to maintain DE10-Nano applications on a cloud service such as Microsoft Azure.
Download the Image from Terasic
The bootable image from Terasic contains Ubuntu 16.04 with a Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (or LXDE). You can use the Linux GUI, serial console, or ssh.
- On your development PC, download the Terasic SD Card Image.
- Extract the downloaded image:
Write the Image to a microSD Card
If your development PC does not have an SD card slot, use a microSD to SD memory card adapter and SD card reader to complete this step.
Insert the microSD into your development PC and identify its device path with
orfdisk -l
Using the
command, write the image to the microSD card.
Note: Take precautions to select the correct path. If you choose another device path, it may crash your development PC. Usestatus=progress
to check the progress of the dd command. -
See the Linux manual for more information on the dd command (recommended).
An excerpt of the manual:
Set up MSEL Switches
The MSEL switches on DE10-Nano are used to configure the board. In this step, you will set the MSEL switches to run Linux.
Set MSEL[4:0] to "01010", according to section 2.2 (MSEL Settings) of the DE10-Nano Getting Started Guide.
Step 2: Power on and Log in
You can operate the DE10-Nano in three ways:
- Serial Console
Serial Console
Install a serial console application such as screen, PuTTY, or minicom on your development PC. This example uses PuTTY.
Before you power on the DE10-Nano, connect the following:
- Ethernet cable from DE10-Nano to a modem or router
- Power supply from DE10-Nano to an outlet
- USB cable (Mini-B to Type-A) from the DE10-Nano (UART-TO-USB port) to your development PC
Using dmesg, identify the USB device path.
In this example, the path returned is ttyUSB0.
Note: If you cannot find any message, install FT2XXRL device driver FTDI chip D2XX driver Installation.
Open PuTTY and set up a serial connection.
Set the speed to 115200 and use the USB device path for the serial line.
Click Open and hit Enter to log in.
Default login credentials:
- Username: root
- Password: de10nano
- Before you power on the DE10-Nano, connect the following:
- Ethernet cable from DE10-Nano to a modem or router
- Power supply from DE10-Nano to an outlet
Boot DE10-Nano and wait about 30 seconds. If DHCP works, DE10-Nano will receive an IP address from your gateway during the boot process. You can use this IP address to log in via ssh.
ip addr
to confirm your network address.Input:
In the above example, the host has as the IP address. The DE10-Nano should have the same network address.
Use the ping command to search for addresses used on the same network.
In this example, the gateway router uses and the DE10-Nano uses
Note: If you find several addresses on the same network, use
ip addr
to find the DE10-Nano network address. -
Log in to the console using:
Default login credentials:
- Username: root
- Password: de10nano
Set up a Static IP Address (Optional)
Because the DHCP server sets another IP address every time the DE10-Nano reboots, some users may want to set a static IP address.
ip addr
to confirm your network address. -
To set up a new network connection, open a console on the DE10-Nano and type the following:
Set the IPADDR and GATEWAY fields according to your network environment.
In this example, is used by the gateway router. Thus, 192.168.3.X/24 is the network address. The static IP,, is provided to the DE10-Nano. /24 is used after the IP address to identify a subnet mask.
Provide a connection name.
This example uses "MyEthConnection".
to create a new network connection.Because Ubuntu 16.04 on the DE10-Nano uses NetworkManager, you can use
Reboot the DE10-Nano and check the IP address. If you see the IP address that you set, you can SSH with that IP address.
Connect to the DE10-Nano from a PC with the IP address.
To delete the connection, use the following command:
Set an SSH key to easily log in to DE10-Nano (Optional).
Open a terminal on your development PC (host) and type your public key to DE10-Nano.
Set up the ssh config file.
Place it below.
This allows you to log in with the following keyword only.
To use the GUI, connect the following hardware to the DE10-Nano. See the image below for the hardware setup. Make sure to connect the power supply from DE10-Nano to an outlet.
- HDMI cable and compatible display
- USB adapter (for type A to micro-B USB cable)
- USB hub
- USB keyboard
- USB mouse
Step 3: Install Azure IoT Edge
For this step, the DE10-Nano needs to access the internet. Make sure the DE10-Nano is connected to a modem or router via an Ethernet cable.
To use Azure IoT Edge for managing IoT devices using container virtualization, you will need to install Azure IoT Edge on each device.
Note See Install the Azure IoT Edge runtime on Debian-based Linux systems for Microsoft's tutorial on how to install Azure IoT Edge runtime on Linux devices if you need more information.
Set up apt Package Setting
Log in to the DE10-Nano and open a terminal.
Create a download directory.
Download the repository configuration file from Microsoft.
Move the file to a place that apt can access.
Install Microsoft's GPG public key
Install Moby Engine (container runtime)
Install Moby Engine, which Azure IoT Edge officially supports.
Install the Moby command-line interface.
Install Azure IoT Edge Runtime
Note: Because the OS of DE10-Nano uses Ubuntu 16.04, you need to install a fixed version of Azure IoT Edge Runtime.
Update the package lists on the DE10-Nano and install Azure IoT Edge.
Step 4: Create an IoT Hub Instance on Azure Portal
You must register the DE10-Nano to the Azure cloud for IoT edge runtime to work.
Sign up for Azure Portal.
Log in to your Azure Portal.
Create a new resource group (recommended). From the Microsoft Azure homepage, navigate to Azure services > Resource groups, click Add.
Set the project details (Subscription, Resource group name, Region). This example uses de10-nano for the resource group name.
Note: When you complete the tutorials in this series, you can delete the resource group to avoid unintentional costs. For cost details, see Azure billing documentation.
From the homepage, navigate to the search bar, type "iothub", and then select IoT Hub.
Click Add to create an IoT Hub instance.
Set the project details. For example, Subscription (Free Trial), Resource group (de10-nano), Region (US West 2), and IoT Hub name (de10-nano-iot-hub).
Click Next: Networking and choose a Connectivity method or leave as default.
Click Next: Size and scale, choose a Pricing and scale tier, and then click Review + create.
Note: The tier and number of units determine how many messages can be sent per day from the device to the Azure cloud. The F1: Free tier allows a maximum of 8000 messages per day.
Review the details of the IoT Hub and then click Create. The deployment of your IoT Hub may take a few minutes.
When you see a message that Your deployment is complete, click Go to resource.
Register DE10-Nano as an IoT Edge Device
You will register the DE10-Nano as an IoT Edge device in this step.
Navigate to Automatic Device Management or IoT Edge and click on IoT Edge as shown below.
Click Add as IoT Edge device.
Under Device ID, set the name of your device (For example, de10-nano-device). Click Save.
Select your device and double-click.
Copy the Primary Connection String. You can also choose to copy the Secondary Connection String. Azure cloud can confirm that DE10-Nano is a valid device with the connection string.
Below is an example of the connection string, which varies from device to device.
Step 5: Update the IoT Edge Daemon Config File
Before running IoT Edge runtime, the connection string must be copied into the IoT Edge configuration file on DE10-Nano. If IoT Edge runtime on DE10-Nano is executed without setting the connection string, the application will not start.
Open a terminal on the DE10-Nano using SSH, a serial console, or the GUI.
with an editor. -
with the connection string you copied.You can jump the line to type
in normal mode.Use
to save your changes. -
Enable your iotedge daemon.
Restart iotedge.
Check the status of iotedge. The Active: status should show as
active (running)
If iotedge does not work, see the Azure IoT Edge Trouble Shooting Page.
Step 6: Set up DNS and Log Policy
Set up DNS on Container Runtime
Check the IoT Edge runtime health.
In this example, there are a few warnings and one error for IoT Edge.
- If the DHCP server does not assign a DNS address, you will need to assign a DNS address. If you do not receive a DNS warning, no action is needed.
- In this tutorial, you can ignore the following:
- Certificate warnings
- Logs policy warnings. As needed, you can set these.
- Edge Hub error.
Note The Edge Hub error occurs when there has never been a deployment on an IoT Edge device. If you deploy a container from the Azure cloud, the Edge Hub container is automatically generated, and this error will go away. This is a known issue.
Make a new folder.
. -
Copy and paste the code below into the daemon.json file. Use
to save your changes.
are public DNS addresses provided by Google. In this tutorial, they are used as DNS servers.
Set up Log Policy
Put log settings after DNS setting.
Note Be sure to copy the above syntax exactly since incorrect syntax will disconnect the device.
Restart the container runtime.
In this step, container runtime and Azure IoT Edge are installed. Also, DE10-Nano is registered on the Azure cloud, allowing you to deploy an application from the Azure cloud to the DE10-Nano.
Check Azure* IoT Edge runtime again.
The DNS warning and logs policy warning has disappeared. You can continue to ignore the Edge Hub error.
Step 7: Expand microSD Card Storage Size
Containers often consume microSD card storage. We recommend that you expand your microSD card partition. The scripts in this step expand your card partition to the maximum storage capacity of the microSD card.
Execute the following shell script on DE10-Nano to expand the storage size.
Reboot the DE10-Nano
Execute the following shell script after you reboot.
Check the partition size.
In this example, the storage is extended to 12GB for a 16GB microSD card.
Step 8: Deploy a Simulated Temperature Sensor
In this step, you deploy your first module from the Azure Marketplace. The module that you deploy in this step simulates a temperature sensor and sends simulated data to the cloud.
Note See Quickstart: Deploy your first IoT Edge module to a virtual Linux device for Microsoft's tutorial on how to remotely deploy a module to an IoT Edge device. This step generally follows the instructions in the Microsoft tutorial.
Open Azure Portal and search for "Simulated". Under Marketplace, click on Simulated Temperature Sensor.
Set the Subscription, IoT Hub, and IoT Edge Device Name. Click on Find Device and devices which belong to your specified IoT Hub will appear.
Click Create.
Make sure that SimulatedTemperatureSensor exists in IoT Edge Modules and then click on Next: Routes.
Keep the defaults set for routes and then click Review + create.
Click Create. The sensor module will be sent to your device and deployed automatically.
Navigate to the device page. You will see the deployed sensor module.
Open a DE10-Nano console and use
iotedge list
to confirm that the module is deployed (that is, STATUS: running).Input:
"SimulatedTemperatureSensor" should display, indicating that you deployed the container module on your DE10-Nano.
The first deployment may take some time. Use the iotedge list
command several times and wait until edgeHub, edgeAgent and SimulatedTemperatureSensor are listed as above. edgeHub and edgeAgent are containers for managing your IoT Edge.
Check Container Data from the DE10-Nano Device
Check the IoT Edge runtime log to make sure that the module is sending simulated data to the Azure cloud.
The module will stop after sending 500 messages and you will need to restart it.
Check Container Data from the Cloud
Confirm that the sensor module runs on the DE10-Nano by checking it from the Azure cloud.
Install Azure CLI
This step uses a development PC with Ubuntu 16.04 and follows the Azure CLI installation guide for Ubuntu.
Note See the Azure Command-Line Interface (CLI) documentation for Microsoft's tutorial on how to install the Azure CLI.
From your development PC, download and execute the install script.
This script automatically installs the Azure CLI application on your PC.
Enter your authentication information in a browser window.
Note: If you have an "xdg-open" error, make sure that BROWSER environment variable is set.
Install the Azure IoT extension for Azure CLI.
Microsoft provides an open-source extension, Azure IoT extension for Azure CLI, for developing Azure IoT applications with Azure CLI.
In this tutorial, we use it to see messages that the IoT Hub has received.
Enable az command completion.
Note If you re-open your terminal, the completion feature will be effective automatically.
Confirm DE10-Nano Messages with Azure CLI
Monitor DE10-Nano messages with Azure CLI
Since you have linked the Azure CLI to your cloud account, you can use Azure CLI to monitor data received by the IoT Hub cloud. Put the name of your IoT Hub after
in the following command. For example, de10-nano-iot-hub.Input:
Note If you cannot see any messages, use iotedge logs
to check if the SimulatedTemperatureSensor module is still working.
Next Steps
Congratulations! You completed the first tutorial in this series. To continue to the next tutorial, go to Build an Azure Container-based Application using Microsoft Visual Studio.
If you plan to continue to the next tutorial in this series, do not delete the resource group you created earlier. If not, you may now delete it. When you delete the resource group, you also delete all Azure services you associated with it.