Terasic DE10-Nano Kit
Optimized to Boost Performance
Maximize performance, offload traditional CPU processing, and tailor the compute power to specific applications.
I/O Expansion Support
Enhance your design with the hardware support to expand I/O and create a custom peripheral set.
Flexible and Adaptive
Run state-of-the-art applications with the flexibility to adapt to evolving standards, algorithms, and threats.
Based on a Cyclone® V SoC FPGA, this kit provides a reconfigurable hardware design platform for makers, educators, and IoT system developers.
- Equipped with high-speed DDR3 memory
- Includes 2 GPIO expansion headers
- Provides analog-to-digital capabilities
Contact an Intel® Authorized Distributor today.
Who Needs This Product
Industrial IoT developers, independent software vendors (ISV), and technologists who:
- Develop FPGA prototypes and solutions for hardware systems
- Create power and cost-sensitive applications
- Need a simple FPGA path without a steep learning curve
Industrial Use Cases
- IoT systems
- Industrial automation
- High-performance computing
Kit Details
- DE10-Nano board
- DE10-Nano quick start guide
- USB Type A to Mini-B cable
- USB Type A to Micro-B cable
- DC power adapter (5 V)
- microSD* card (installed)
Preinstalled Software
- System-on-chip (SoC) boots to the Linux* operating system
- Web and virtual network computing (VNC) servers
- Reference designs
- Development tools
Hard Processor System
Dual-core ARM Cortex*-A9 MPCore processor at 800 MHz
neon™ framework media-processing engine with double-precision floating point unit (FPU)
32 KB L1 instruction cache
32 KB L1 data cache
512 KB shared L2 cache
64 KB on-chip SRAM
1 GB DDR3 SDRAM (32-bit data)
8 GB microSD* flash memory card
Processor I/O
1 gigabit Ethernet PHY with RJ45 connector
1 USB 2.0 On-The-Go (OTG) port, USB Micro-AB connector
microSD card interface and socket
Accelerometer (I2C interface plus interrupt)
UART to USB, USB Mini-B connector
Warm reset button, cold reset button
One user button and one user LED
Expansion header for use with Linear Technology* DC934A dual 16-bit digital-to-analog converter daughter card
Embedded Software
Linux kernel 4.1.33 LTSI
Angstrom 2016.12
Programmable Logic
Logic elements (LE): 110 K LE
5,570 kilobits memory
224 18 x 19 multipliers
112 variable precision DSP blocks
6 phased-locked loops (PLL)
145 user-defined I/O
Configuration Sources
Embedded USB-Blaster* II (JTAG) cable
Serial configuration flash - EPCS128
ARM Cortex*-A9 hard processor system (HPS)
I/O Interfaces
2 push buttons
4 slide switches
8 LEDs
3 clock sources (50 MHz) from the clock generator
2 expansion headers (40-pin) with diode protection
1 Arduino* expansion header compatible with Arduino UNO* R3 (can connect with Arduino shields)
1 analog input expansion header (10-pin) shared with Arduino analog input
8-channel, 12-bit A/D converter, 500 ksps, 4-pin serial peripheral interface (SPI)
Hardware Design
32-bit fast Fourier transform (FFT) engine
HDMI* output (video pipeline)
GPIO for LEDs, push buttons, and slide switches
I/F to Arduino shield headers (digital I/O, serial I/O, A/D converter)
Compatible Accessory Boards
Embedded Software Development Tools
Download and install the Intel® SoC FPGA Embedded Development Suite (SoC EDS). Applications are written in the C programming language.
FPGA Design Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software (specifically the "Lite" version of the software) is used for FPGA hardware development. Programs are written in a hardware description language, such as Verilog or VHDL.
Software Utilities
Recommended development software includes the following:
- Connect the board with this SSH client: PuTTY
- Download this remote access software to the host system (such as your laptop) to control the board from the host system: VNC Viewer*
- Select your SD card imager based your operating system:
- For Windows*: Win32 Disk Imager
- For Linux: Ubuntu* Disk Image Writer
- Share your PC keyboard and mouse with the Terasic DE10-Nano board for development: Synergy Software
- Get virtual COM port drivers that enable UART over USB: FTDI
microSD* Card Images
Get the software source files to create the card image, as well as release notes.
Documentation & Support
Get Started
Explore the GPIO Example Application
Compile "Hello World" on the Terasic DE10-Nano Kit
Program Your First FPGA Device
Build a Custom Hardware System
Debug FPGA Hardware with the System Console
Build, Deploy, and Manage Your FPGA-Based IoT Edge Applications Using Microsoft Azure*
Self-Balancing Robot Based on the Terasic DE10-Nano Kit
Accelerate Software with FPGAs: The Mandelbrot Set
Adapt to Security Threats with FPGAs
Flex Force Smart Glove: Use Intel® SoC FPGA to Measure Sensorimotor Data
Use Cyclone V SoC FPGA to Create Real-Time HDR Video
How to Write an Image to the microSD* Card
Extend the Root File System (rootfs) Partition
Source Files
Access source files and scripts for generating the hardware and software design from these Git repositories.
- Master branch: Contains the FPGA source files used to create the hardware design
- Release builds: Contains the latest compiled version of the project
Obtain the recipes to generate the board support package (BSP).
Contains the HTML, scripts, documents (PDF documents such as the user manual) and graphics used to build the web pages served by the board.
Contains a Windows set up information file (INF) for the installation of the Remote Network Driver Interface Specification (RNDIS) driver, which enables Ethernet over USB.