How do I get an older version of an Intel® Software Development Product?

ID 662865
Updated 4/3/2018
Version Latest

Older versions of products are available in the Intel® Registration Center. Your license is good for any version or update released on or before the "support end date" of your license. Note, not all older versions are supported. See Unsupported Product Compiler and Library versions.

Downloading an Older Version of a New Product

Downloading a newly purchased product for the first time, the default download is that of the newest version. However, you can choose to install an older version of the product by following these steps:

  1. Choose the product that you wish to install from the product download list.
  2. Choose the version you wish to install. 
  3. You will be able to choose the year and Update # of the version you wish to install.
    Remember, the build date of the version has to be before your license support expiration date.
  4. Choose the Online installer to download and install a customized package or download the full package for offline installation..

Note: Older versions may not be available for certain products or under certain licenses.
Certain components may have versions available which are not available for the entire package.

Downloading an Older Version From Intel Registration Center

If you wish to install an older version of a one of your products follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Intel® Registration Center by entering your Login information. You will see a list of all the products you have subscribed to. Note:  Expired registrations are shown only if you click on the "expired products " toggle in the header section, see image below:
  2. From the list of subscribed products, choose the product of interest. You will see a list of all components in the product subscription history.
  3. Choose the component of interest or click on the Download link. You will be presented with a list of available versions, and if appropriate, updates for the selected version.
  4. While older compiler versions are available, not all builds within a version are. Updates or builds within a version are compatible, use the closest build within your selected version. Note that for older releases, only the last update is typically provided. (For a table that tells you which product version contains which compiler version, see here.)
  5. Select the version you want to download and install.
  6. Choose the online package if you wish to install the package now or if you wish to create a customized package to install offline later. Choose the offline package to download the full package for offline installation.

Note: While you can download any package you would only be able to install a package with a build date earlier than your product support expiration date.

Giving Your Consent

When downloading an older version, the download link may not be immediately visible. We require your consent to collect some information needed during installation. Only when you give your consent will you be able to download the product.

Please read the associated text carefully and check the “I Consent to the collection of the information and would like to download the software” box. Once you do, you will be able to download the product.

Installing an Older Version 

To install an older version of the product you will need to use a license file. You can get your license file from Intel Registration Center.

If you already have a license file associated with the SN make sure it is placed on your system or get it from Intel Registration Center and save it in a convenient location. For detailed information, read more.

Note: If your support has expired you will not be able to download the license file yourself and will have to submit an issue on the appropriate product forum.

Start the installation of the product.  When it asks for a serial number or license information, do not enter the serial number.  Instead, select the option to use a license file and specify the .lic file you saved in the above step.

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