Install Intel® oneAPI Toolkits and Components

ID 671998
Updated 7/17/2023
Version Latest

Intel® oneAPI Toolkits Installation Guides

Refer to Intel® oneAPI toolkits page to explore what's inside each toolkit and navigate to toolkit download.

The following documents provide detailed instructions on how to get and install Intel® oneAPI toolkits using different installer modes and package managers:

For developing and running applications for GPU, please install Intel® Graphics Driver.

For instructions on how to install Intel® oneAPI toolkits in multi-machine environment when using Intel GPU accelerators, refer to Installing Intel® oneAPI Toolkits and Intel® Graphics Compute Runtime in HPC Cluster Environment.

Related Information

  • Cloud CI systems enable you to build and test your software automatically.  See the oneapi-ci GitHub repo for examples of configuration files that use oneAPI for the popular cloud CI systems.

Next Steps

After successfully installing Intel® oneAPI Toolkits explore Get Started guides to learn more and start using tools in the Intel® oneAPI Toolkits


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