Installation Errors Related to Intel Software License Manager Upgrade

ID 662832
Updated 10/2/2017
Version Latest

A new version of Intel® Software License Manger has been recently released. The new version is required for the successful installation of Intel® Software Development Products versions 2017 or 2018 that are using floating licenses.

If your product is using a floating license and you are a developer intending to use this product, please check with your license server administrator that you are using the latest version (Intel 2.6/lmgrd of the Intel® Software License Manager. If you are not yet using the latest version, please go to Intel Registration Center, download it and install it on your license server(s). Failure to do so may cause your product installation to fail.

Note: Although it is always recommended to use the latest version of the Intel® Software License Manger, if you have recently installed the Intel 2.5 version you are not required to upgrade to the Intel 2.6 version.

2017 Products

If you are attempting to install a 2017 product with a floating license, you may encounter the following error message:

Activation rights do not allow this software to be installed. This could be due to expired subscription, incompatible serial number, or outdated Intel Software License Manager.

Make sure the license server has the latest Intel Software License Manager installed.

2018 Products

If you are attempting to install a 2018 product with a floating license, you may encounter the following error message:

Your current Intel Software License Manager version is older than the product you are trying to install.  Please upgrade to the latest Intel Software License Manager from Intel Registration Center and try again.

Make sure the license server has the latest Intel Software License Manager installed.