Development Kit
IP Core | IP Core Category |
NIOS V/m soft processor core | Embedded Processor |
On Chip RAM | Other |
JTAG UART | Other |
Detailed Description
Please refer to the document for details about the design.
Prepare the design template in the Quartus Prime software GUI
Note: The means to bring up the project template is through the New Project Wizard (File -> New Project Wizard). After entering the project name and folder on the first panel, the second panel will ask you to specify an empty project or project template. Select project template. You will see a list of Design Templates projects that you have loaded prior as well as various "Baseline Pinout Designs" that contain the pinout and settings for a variety of development kits. If you don't see your design template in the list, click on the link that states install the Design Templates circled below:
Browse to the <project>.par file you downloaded, click ok and your design template will be installed. Click Cancel. Go to File -> Open. Double click on <project_name>.qar. The extracted quartus project file will be opened.