Netflix Boosts Seamless Streaming Experiences

Netflix optimized EC2 instances at the CPU micro-architecture level to deliver performant, high-quality video content.

At a glance:

  • Netflix endeavors to transform home entertainment and provide 260 million subscribers with reliable, customized experiences on any device.

  • Working with Intel, Netflix optimized Amazon EC2 instances at the micro-architecture level to increase performance and reduce cloud spend.

Executive Summary

Netflix endeavors to transform home entertainment and provide 260 million subscribers with reliable, customized experiences on any device. To accomplish that, Netflix must accelerate data movement and AI workloads using advanced technologies, including Amazon EC2 instances supported by Intel® Xeon® processors. Working with Intel, Netflix:

  • Optimized Amazon instances at the micro-architecture level to increase performance and reduce cloud spend. After upgrading its EC2 instances, Netflix achieved a 3.5x performance improvement per CPU, exceeding anticipated linear scaling.1
  • Used Intel® oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN) and the Intel® Advanced Vector Extensions (Intel® AVX-512) instruction set to optimize video encoding speed during hours of lower user demand. Intel solutions provided a significant improvement in frame-per-second encoding.


Netflix seeks to deliver seamless, on-demand content to its global customer base regardless of the device they use to view it. The process requires multiple micro-services optimized for the workloads supporting subscriber experiences. Some backend microservices must handle content development, rendering, and encoding tasks. On the user-facing end, Netflix subscribers need a tailored home page view that identifies and recommends the most relevant content from thousands of titles. Plus, Netflix continuously strives to serve its members with excellent entertainment and exceptional streaming quality, available anytime.

graph shows two bands, a low band around 15-20% CPU utilization and a high band that varies from 25% to 90% CPU utilization

The graph illustrates the breakdown of CPU by node. While the analysis found roughly equal traffic distribution between nodes, CPU metrics demonstrated different bimodal distribution patterns.1

To accomplish all these tasks and more, Netflix requires a reliable, highly scalable, and AI-ready cloud solution with advanced tools to simplify troubleshooting should problems arise. For example, the Netflix team discovered an unexpected latency challenge while evaluating its Amazon EC2 instances for performance. They needed an effective way to assess instances down to the CPU’s micro-architecture level to accelerate workloads while minimizing cloud spend.


To provide subscribers with fast and customized streaming experiences, Netflix tapped the power of Amazon EC2 instances supported by Intel® Xeon® processors. Netflix’s performance team worked closely with Intel to scrutinize the software’s interaction with available hardware resources and identify bottlenecks. Intel® VTuneTM Profiler found code segments that did not use processor time optimally. Intel® PerfSpect provided additional insights by evaluating micro-architectural subsystems and programmed sequences. The tools ultimately helped pinpoint the instance bottleneck in a set of instructions within the Java Virtual Machine.

line graph showing how latency was reduced after the fix

The significant latency decrease achieved after identifying and addressing the true sharing problem is dramatically illustrated in this graph.1

By using Amazon instances with underlying Intel Xeon processors rather than GPUs, Netflix found ways to save money by using each instance to accomplish multiple tasks. During peak viewing hours, Amazon instances can focus resources on streaming. When user demand lessens, instances can divert compute power to accelerate video encoding.


With Intel’s support to identify the instance bottleneck, Netflix realized a performance improvement per CPU by 3.5x compared with the initial throughput on Amazon EC2 instances.1 They also benefitted from a significant reduction in average and tail latency.2 Other companies utilizing Java workloads can also benefit from Netflix’s CPU optimization approach since Intel addressed the source of latency in the open Java Development Kit.

“To ensure our customers have the best experiences with our streaming service, speed counts. Using Intel technologies to identify bottlenecks, we nearly tripled the performance of our Amazon EC2 instances while minimizing our cloud spend.” – Vadim Filanovsky, Performance Engineer at Netflix

By using oneDNN which taps the Intel AVX instruction set, Netflix claimed a substantial percent improvement in frame-per-second encodings, delivering excellent video quality on all devices.

Netflix’s Amazon instances with Intel Xeon processors can also serve multiple purposes effectively using auto-scaling. Efficiencies gained through the CPUs allow Netflix to reduce the number of instances required for mission-critical workloads and significantly cut their overall cloud infrastructure spending.

Solution Summary

  • Intel® Xeon® Processors
  • Intel® oneAPI Deep Neural
  • Network Library
  • Intel® Deep Learning Boost
  • with Vector Neural Network
  • Instructions (VNNI)
  • Intel® Advanced Vector
  • Extensions 512 (Intel® AVX 512)
  • Intel® VTune™ Profiler
  • Intel® PerfSpect
  • Amazon EC2 Instances