Baidu: 5G Leads to New Opportunities at the Edge

Baidu Creates a 5G + AI Edge Middle Platform with OpenNESS and Baidu IME.

At a glance:

  • Baidu Intelligent Mobile Edge is dedicated to meet the requirements of cloud-edge collaboration and multi-cluster management in 5G edge computing, as well as the needs of edge applications to access 5G + AI capabilities.

  • Intel and Baidu share common goals for OpenNESS and IME, such as enabling AI edge computing capabilities with low latency and high reliability, as well as promoting 5G + AI capabilities that can be deployed in commercial and business scenarios. To achieve these goals, Intel and Baidu worked collaboratively on a 5G + AI Edge Middle Platform solution. This Middle Platform uses ETSI reference architecture as a foundation and incorporates mature PaaS technology to provide 5G + AI capabilities to edge applications.

Executive Summary

The number of edge devices and the volume of data are both exploding exponentially, and various AI-enabled use cases are also emerging in areas like manufacturing. AI edge computing is rapidly becoming a key pillar of technological development, both now and for the future. Meanwhile, the rapid deployment of 5G is propelling edge computing to new heights. The traditional “device-cloud” infrastructure is rapidly evolving into a “device-edge-cloud collaboration” infrastructure, with integrated 5G and AI capabilities.

As a powerful complement to cloud computing capabilities, edge computing has proven to be effective in helping businesses act faster on data at its source, minimizing the network latency bottleneck that often occurs in traditional centralized computing models. Industries can take advantage of edge computing to achieve real-time responses, and draw new insights from data that can improve business intelligence, security, and privacy. In addition, the “cloud-edge collaboration” model allows new and innovative use cases that utilize both 5G and AI capabilities by offering the flexibility to deploy different levels of computing power at the edge. In September 2018, Intel and Baidu established a joint 5G + AI Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) Innovation Lab to accelerate the research and development of edge computing technology. The Lab also aims to explore new and innovative ways to empower businesses of all sizes, enabling 5G + AI edge computing capabilities to be quickly deployed in real-world applications.

This white paper explores the successful integration of Open Network Edge Services Software (OpenNESS), an open source initiative from Intel with Baidu’s Intelligent Mobile Edge (IME) to create a 5G + AI Edge Middle Platform, which provides integrated 5G + AI capabilities to industries and developers. Middle Platform is a concept adopted by technology giants/leaders in China. It’s an enabling platform, which organizes core capabilities, maximizes synergies, and provides integrated business capabilities to internal business units, as well as third-parties.

Read the white paper - Creating a 5G + AI Edge Middle Platform with OpenNESS and Baidu IME.

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