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Learn about the benefits of Domain Specific Models for Enterprise, how Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors and Intel® Gaudi® AI accelerators are best suited to your business needs, and why they are the leading choice in the market.
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Title and Description
Enterprise AI / Generative AI Partner Enablement Package
Optimize training and deployment with purpose-built Intel® AI
hardware and software to help transform your business.
Enterprise AI / Generative AI Partner Enablement Package
Optimize training and deployment with purpose-built Intel® AI
hardware and software to help transform your business.
企業 AI - 適用於企業的 生成式 AI 與特定領域模型
利用專門打造的 Intel® AI 軟硬體最佳化訓練與部署, 協助您實現業務轉型
企业 AI - 生成式 AI 和面向企业的 行业专用模型
利用专用的英特尔® AI 硬件和软件优化训练和部署 帮助您实现业务转型
Enterprise AI / Generative AI Partner Enablement Package
Optimize training and deployment with purpose-built Intel® AI
hardware and software to help transform your business.
Enterprise AI / Generative AI Partner Enablement Package
Optimize training and deployment with purpose-built Intel® AI
hardware and software to help transform your business.
エンタープライズ AI - エンタープライズ向けの生成 AI とドメイン固有のモデル
専用のインテル® AI ハードウェアとソフトウェアで トレーニングと導入を最適化し、ビジネの変革を支援
엔터프라이즈 AI - 생성형 AI & 엔터프라이즈를 위한 분야별 모델
특수 설계된 인텔® AI 하드웨어 및 소프트웨어로 훈련 및 배포를 최적화하여 비즈니스 혁신을 지원하십시오.