What You Need To Know To Buy PCs for Your Company
With hybrid and remote work scenarios dominating the future, computers are not only essential for working but also lifelines for communicating with colleagues. That’s why workplace PCs must be selected with both user experience and IT’s security mandates in mind.
How To Evaluate Your Company’s PC Purchases
The process of buying and managing PCs becomes more complex every day. As organizations transform themselves around digital technologies and new needs for remote management, choosing reliable, secure, and high-performance PCs will be a critical function of IT organizations. Time is of the essence, as employees whose computers are out of commission are effectively unproductive. In this CIO buyer’s guide commissioned by Intel, learn about industry trends that impact the security of devices, critical considerations and reasons for a PC refresh, reducing your management costs, and other essential considerations when purchasing PCs for your company.

As PCs and Devices Become More Critical to Employee Productivity, the Importance of Performance has Also Grown. Consider These Facts:
Computers that slow down, freeze, or behave unpredictably impact productivity and morale. For example, 58% of IT leaders1 have said that “poor technology” is causing between two and four hours of lost productivity every day.
Improved device security2 has a positive impact on productivity, due to fewer breaches and faster recovery times.
91%: the engagement rate3 among people who are given productivity-enabling tech.
A recent IDC survey4 found that 85% of respondents agreed that higher employee engagement translates into a better customer experience, higher customer satisfaction, and increased revenues.
4 Key Takeaways
Performance for modern workloads. Older devices typically don’t provide the speed and capacity necessary for localized artificial intelligence processing. Plus, they have a reduced set of hardware-based prevention capabilities, which increases the cyberattack surface and security management complexity. These issues, combined with the transition to Windows 11, make now the ideal time to refresh devices.
Increased Security. The nature of cyberattacks is changing. Software-based security is no longer enough to protect an organization from all threats. Despite improvements over the years, software updates and patches cannot catch or detect all threats in real time.
The age of AI. The arrival of the AI PC represents an inflection point in the PC industry – an age marked by the increasing availability of software enhanced by AI and ML algorithms. These applications empower people to create art, make music, synthesize knowledge, and work smarter. Intel is at the forefront of this transition with robust architectures for the central processing unit (CPU), graphics processing unit (GPU), and neural processing unit (NPU) to optimize the performance and power efficiency of AI software.
Sustainability. At a time when environmental concerns are more pronounced, responsible makers of computers and components are doing everything they can to reduce the carbon footprint of their products. The issue is top-of-mind for customers as well.
“If an organization lets a refresh fall by the wayside, it won’t be long before employees are stuck with machines that are five or six years old. Such a situation could have serious implications for productivity, security, and employee experience.”
Frank Ford, head of the Global Cybersecurity Practice at Bain & Co.
“Software leadership is key to the AI PC experience, and we’re uniquely positioned to lead the industry with an open ecosystem approach. With a long history in AI development and a deep network of ISV engineering relationships, Intel will take an active role in fostering connections and innovations that propel new use cases and experiences on the PC.”
Michelle Johnston Holthaus, Executive Vice President and General Manager of the Client Computing Group at Intel.
Product and Performance Information
Adobe, “Future of Digital Work,” July 2023, https://blog.adobe.com/en/publish/2023/07/27/future-digital-work-enterprise-insights-productivity-shared-responsibility-rooted-in-tech.
Forrester Consulting, “The Total Economic Impact™ of Intel vPro® Hardware-Enabled Security Features,” https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/business/enterprise-computers/resources/impact-of-vpro-hardware-enabled-security-paper.html.
Qualtrics, “2022 Employee Experience Trends Report,” https://www.qualtrics.com/ebooks-guides/employee-experience-trends-2022/.
IDC, “Future Enterprise Resiliency & Spending Survey Wave 6,” https://blogs.idc.com/2021/09/17/employee-experience-and-customer-experience-what-is-the-connection/.