Intel® Advisor System Requirements

ID 标签 678712
已更新 10/21/2024
版本 2025.0


This document provides details about hardware, operating system, and software prerequisites for the Intel® Advisor.

Hardware Requirements

  • At least 2 GB of RAM
  • 650 MB of free disk space required for all product features and all architectures.
  • A system based on an Intel® 64 architecture processor supporting the Intel® Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 (Intel® SSE2) instructions (Intel® Pentium 4 processor or later, or Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors)
    • Since the Intel Advisor requires specific knowledge of assembly-level instructions, its analysis may not operate correctly if the code contains non-Intel instructions. In this case, run the analysis with a target executable that contains only Intel® instructions. After you finish using the Intel Advisor, you can use the assembler or optimizing compiler options that provide the non-Intel instructions.
    • For the best experience, a multi-core or multi-processor system is recommended
  • GPU Profiling and Roofline features are supported on Intel® processors with discrete Intel® Iris® Xe MAX GPU, and Intel® Data Center GPU MAX Series (formerly code-named Ponte Vecchio).

Software Requirements

NOTE: On Linux, the X.Org X11 libXss runtime library must be installed for the Intel Advisor GUI.

  • Supported operating systems (embedded editions are not supported):
    • Offload Advisor performance projection is supported on:
      • Microsoft Windows* 10 and Windows 11 operating systems
      • Microsoft Windows Server* 2019, 2022
      • Red Hat* Enterprise Linux* 8, 9
      • CentOS* versions equivalent to Red Hat* Enterprise Linux* versions listed above
      • Fedora* 39, 40, 41 (pangox-compat package should be installed)
      • SUSE* Linux* Enterprise Server* 15
      • Debian* 9, 10, 11, 12
      • Ubuntu* 18.04, 20.04
      • Rocky 9
      • Amazon 2023
    • GPU Roofline analysis is supported on:
      • Microsoft Windows* 10 and Windows 11 operating systems
      • Red Hat* Enterprise Linux* 8
      • SUSE* Linux* Enterprise Server* 15
      • Ubuntu*  20.04 , 22.04

GPU profiling and Roofline on Microsoft Windows* systems is supported only for 64-bit applications.

GPU profiling and Roofline is currently supported on Linux* with kernel version 4.11 or higher.

    • Viewer only: macOS* 10.15,11,12
  • Supported Microsoft Visual Studio* (and Microsoft Visual C++* compiler) versions:
    • Microsoft Visual Studio* 2019
  • Supported compilers:
    • Intel® C++ Compiler 15 or higher
    • GNU* C/C++ Compiler 3.4.6 and higher (Linux)
    • Intel® Fortran Compiler 15 or higher (Linux)
    • Intel® Visual Fortran Compiler 15 or higher (Windows)
  • Application coding requirements
    • Supported programming languages:
      • Fortran
      • C
      • C++
    • Supported threading methodologies:
      • Intel® Threading Building Blocks (Intel® TBB)
      • Intel® Cilk™ Plus
      • OpenMP*
      • Windows and POSIX Threads (low-level)
  • To view PDF documents, use a PDF reader, such as Adobe Reader*.

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