VIRTUAL PRESS KIT – Teraflopss Research Chip
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Teraflops Research Chip
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Close up of the wafer after the fabrication of the Intel 80-Core Teraflops Research Chip.
A closer look at the Teraflops wafer containing the Intel Teraflops Research Chip, the first programmable chip to deliver more than one trillion mathematical calculations per second (1 Teraflops) of performance.
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This board houses Intel’s 80-Core Teraflops Research Chip. The board contains working silicon and it is the world’s first programmable chip to achieve teraflops performance while consuming very little power.
The Intel Teraflops Research Chip uses 80 cores, each containing two programmable floating point engines—the most ever to be integrated on a single chip.
Close-up of an Intel Teraflops Research Chip wafer taken partway through the fabrication process to expose the cores. The "tile-based” design allows researchers to use smaller cores that can easily be repeated across the chip. A single-core chip of this size (100 million transistors) would take roughly twice as long and twice as many people to design.
ASCI Red, the first computer to benchmark at a Teraflops in 1996, used nearly 10,000 Pentium Pro processors running at 200MHz and consuming 500kW of power. It required an additional 500kW just to keep the room cool.