Intel® CPU Runtime for OpenCL™ Applications Release Notes

ID 标签 762850
已更新 9/26/2022
版本 2022

This page provides the current Release Notes for Intel® CPU Runtime for OpenCL™ Applications for Intel® Core™ and Intel® Xeon® processors. This page covers the CPU (x86-64) OpenCL™ implementation only. See the OpenCL™ Runtimes for Intel® Processors article for additional Intel® Graphics Technology information. The notes are categorized by year, from newest to oldest, with individual releases listed within each year.

Click a version to expand it into a summary of new features and changes in that version since the last release, and access the download buttons for the detailed release notes, which include important information, such as pre-requisites, software compatibility, installation instructions, and known issues.

You can copy a link to a specific version's section by clicking the chain icon next to its name.

All files are in PDF format - Adobe Reader* (or compatible) required.
For OpenCL™ developer tools, visit the Intel® SDK for OpenCL™ Applications 2019 page.
For questions or technical support, visit Intel® Software Developer Support.



Release Notes


  • Add device attribute query extension “cl_intel_device_attribute_query”.  This extension can be used to query additional information about Intel OpenCL devices. The additional information may be useful to tailor a specific workload to the properties of the device. User can query the following information for CPU device:   

               CL_DEVICE_NUM_SLICES_INTEL:  Number of NUMA nodes of the device.

                    For root device, it's the total number of NUMA nodes on the machine.

                     If sub-devices are partitioned with CL_DEV_PARTITION_AFFINITY_NUMA, it should be 1.

               CL_DEVICE_NUM_SUB_SLICES_PER_SLICE_INTEL:   return 1

               CL_DEVICE_NUM_EUS_PER_SUB_SLICE_INTEL: Number of physical cores on each NUMA node.

               CL_DEVICE_NUM_THREADS_PER_EU_INTEL:  Number of threads per core.

  • Prompt the user-friendly error message when TBB libraries are not loaded correctly.
  • OpenCL ICD loader is uplifted and “OCL_ICD_ENABLE_TRACE” environment variable is enabled. When set OCL_ICD_ENABLE_TRACE=1 or true, detailed information of OpenCL ICD loader execution will be provided.


Release Notes 


  • Enable the automatic stack size allocation and allocation for kernel execution. This will reduce the possibility of out of resource error.
  • Minor bug fixings.


Release Notes 


  • Enlarge the default memory size to adapt user application better.
  • Minor bug fixings.

OS Deprecation Notice

These operating systems are deprecated in the Intel oneAPI 2022.1 release, and will be removed in a future release:

  • Windows Server 2016*
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server* 15 SP2

Known Issue

Intel® oneAPI Toolkits 2022.1.3 and earlier and Intel® Parallel Studio XE (any version) do not support Microsoft Visual Studio 2022. On systems with Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 installed, Intel® oneAPI and Intel® Parallel Studio XE installers may fail during installation, upgrade, modification, or uninstallation. Refer to this article for more information.